Nervous Hider

He needs some off-road tires for that some balloon beach buggy tires! :winktongue:
Did you realize you had that much activity at that spot before the cameras?

No, I did not since I can't see down the driveway from my house. I started off with one camera that covered the front of my house and the front yard, and it was strictly for security. After seeing some critters I started to expand the camera system for wildlife viewing. I put a camera in my driveway that could see the street, but it was in the distance and it was difficult to see details. So I installed a street camera and was surprised to see how much goes on out there. My camera system has expanded to 10 cams, and I have 6 monitors in my living room displaying the most important cams.

The camera system is a real pleasure to have. In the old days if I heard a noise outside I would start looking out windows and perhaps shine a flashlight trying to find the source. Now I just look at the cameras and can see most everything around me even when it's pitch black outside. Every morning my wife checks the alerts, and gives me a summary of what happened overnight when she wakes me up. Oh, and watching the freaks on the street is entertaining :-)
You could just feed this spot to a youtube live channel. Now im curious whats hidden back behind that fence thats attracting all these critters :)

For a minute i thought he was about to drop a deuce or something.