New 3MP Wifi Video Doorbell!

I will need to mount this at an angle because of the location of my current doorbell. Will this be possible? Also I wonder if there is any way to compare the video obtained tight the NSC-DB2 and the video of the Nest Hello Doorbell? Any video samples of the doorbell actually installed to judge field of view and such?
I will need to mount this at an angle because of the location of my current doorbell. Will this be possible? Also I wonder if there is any way to compare the video obtained tight the NSC-DB2 and the video of the Nest Hello Doorbell? Any video samples of the doorbell actually installed to judge field of view and such?
You bet, check out our promo video, it gives video examples and shows all of the wedge mounts that are included with it:
I am looking for a review of this device, now I have Nest Hello, but I looking for an IP camera to replace Nest Hello.

May I ask you to add the model NSC-DB2 on Thread subject, I can not find this with the search tool.
Just ordered one of these today. Will see how it works when it arrives on Wednesday.

Just an fyi for those wondering. I had a conversation with Nelly's today and was told that the substream issue with ONVIF has been fixed in firmware. I'll confirm on Wed/Thu once I get it installed.
Just received mine a bit ago and got installed and up and running. Well, within the Ezviz app so far. Trying to figure out how to directly configure the camera (after activating using Ezviz) and so far... not having any luck. SADP found the camera but I cannot figure out what the default username/password is in order to manage the camera or add it to Blue Iris. Will keep plugging away.

Operationally it seems to be working pretty well. Picture quality seems excellent so far and the WiFi connection seems stable. It's only been about an hour of course so it's too early to really tell.

Testing/configuration continues.
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Ok got it up and running in Blue Iris. Just the main stream as I need to get the new firmware tomorrow (from Nelly's) to add in the substream. Really happy with the doorbell. Video quality seems excellent in both day and night and the PIR and alerting in the Ezviz app works well. So far so good.

Images: Note that the light above is the IR from a Hikvision DS-2CD2142FWD-IS2 I installed this weekend. The images here are from the DB2 doorbell cam :)


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I'm having one heck of a time activating the camera with with SADP or Batch Configuration. Always "timeout". I can use it with EZVIZ and I can hit the RTSP stream using the admin/<verification code printed on the camera>.

I am on a /22 subnet, so I'm not sure if that is it or not. I've tried ivms, sadp, batch configuration. All "timeout".

Edit: I am able to make a few changes with ONVIF tool, but I cannot really change much with it.

Edit 2: I think the activation thing can just be ignored. I just tried adding it in batch configuration manually and I think that'll work.
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I ignored the activation as well. Mainly because I'm not sure what changing the password would do to the Ezviz app. That said everything works fine without having done that.

At first I thought you were saying the camera wasn't working on your network and now I realize it's just not "activating" which I think is likely normal for that camera. Mine is working great as is.

Be sure to call Nelly's if that's who you bought it from and get the latest firmware (I assume you already did).
I have a few other HikVision cameras, so the first thing my mind wanted to do was activate it. I didn't even think about ignoring it and just adding it. I did get the latest firmware and updated it via onvif.

I must say, I'm a little disappointed in software/firmware. Not blaming Nelly's. I don't understand why they "Hikvision I guess" can't finish out features.
No 12 hour time options?, I can't add custom overlay (like I can other hikvision cameras). Cut down isapi/sdk support. I could create a list of things.

It is still better than my previous one, but I'm still disappointed :(
I wish the camera had more features as well (meaning more in line with the other Hikvision cams) but in reality it is fairly feature complete. Enough for my uses.

I think the reasoning is that this was intended as a consumer cam AND Hikvision doesn't even acknowledge that they manufacture it. It's pure consumer.

I'm going to check with Nelly's about the activation issue as I want to change the password from the one they generate, if that won't impact the use of the EZVIZ app.
I have changed the password for the admin user. So far, seems to work. There are some places that it still asks for the verification code and I have to enter the one from the sticker, but the connect with batch conf or onvif device manager, I use admin and my new password.

I only set it up last night and I haven't had anyone press the doorbell today, and I've played with the various hik, ezvis, laview, and other apps. I haven't broken anything yet, just not 100% sure either ;)
That is correct, you cannot activate the doorbell. We have a new guide page for the doorbell that we will continually be adding to, check it out here:
I need to know how to change the password and if changing the password will cause a problem with the EZVIZ application. I certainly don't want "whoever" to have the password to my camera which is essentially what is happening if it cannot be changed.

Also, the device will not accept a new IP address via batch config.

So running into a few issues. Otherwise it works great....
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I got my NSC-DB2 from Nelly's this week and have it set up on the bench with Blue Iris. It seems to be working fine so far, except I can get the doorbell to trigger Blue Iris.

I have "Get ONVIF Tigger Events" and "UsePullPointSubscription" checked (based on Nelly's Blue Iris setup guide)

The firmware is version V5.2.4 Build 190412.

Any suggestions?
The picture's a lot better in colour than IR. More definition in the brickwork which is surprising. However, that lens would do my nut in. It needs a lens that's optically better corrected as the curvature......
You can correct for the curvature and the image quality, to my novice eye, is great. Much better than any of the "mainstream" cameras. I am very happy with the purchase so far.

It has a neat feature where it "beeps" when someone approaches which causes the person to look into the camera. This may be a standard thing with doorbells, I don't know, but it's pretty clever for capturing a straight on face image.
Hey Folks got these new doorbells in. Its a little different than the original doorbell we carried. There are some added advantages for sure, but as of right now Onvif Implementation still needs some work as we can only get a main stream from the doorbell (no substream).

However, If you are using it as a standalone doorbell, without adding it to an NVR, its a great unit

NSC-DB2 3MP Wifi Video Doorbell Camera W/ 2 Way Audio | PIR Motion Sensor | Night Vision | 32GB SD Card Included | Includes 3 Face Plates
who makes this unit, hikvision?
I'm not sure if this helps at all but I side stepped everything on the configuration tools and used the following to configure my new NSC-DB2, its a very useful application. Apologies if its mentioned before but its a really useful tool
