New camera with some questions


Sep 15, 2021
Thank you for all the great info on the site, it is super helpful. I have messed with cameras for years. recently i have been using all Unifi equipment at home including there cameras, and while they definitely have some limitations, I’m happy overall.

Recently After some issues in the neighborhood, i have a need for LPR, so i did a lot of reading on here, and picked up one of the recommended cameras, and Blue Iris to handle it. I got it working pretty good, but have some questions. if someone could point me to info on here that would be great too. I don’t need to log every plate, i be able to back a day or two after we have an issue and look for the specific vehicle in question.

using BI, do i use it to make changes to the camera, or should i be logging into the camera?

How do i change the way BI handle motion, for example in the pic i posted i get the cars coming towards the camera real good, but when they are going away from the camera they trigger too late.
Seeing its only one camera, and i only want to store footage for 3-4 days, could i record 24/7?

Can i tell BI where to store the camera footage? For example Could i get a external drive for my computer and have all he footage stored there?

The attached picture is one i grabbed tonight from the system.

Not a BI guy, but that looks pretty good. Might add some HLC to tone down those headlights and I recommend making your image settings on the camera interface itself.

Also might turn DNR down a bit. You’re not using WDR are you?
question 1. Use Camera GUI, on night settings try manual mode with 1/2000 shutter speed, then adjust gain, in some cases 1/1000 shutter is ok.
Im using 1/2000. elh993.jpgCam14.20210705_224013_38551616.jpg
Q3. yes. you can do continous record 24/7.
you can aslo select the option to snap .jpgs at desired intervals during a trigger.
If you create an AUX1 folder on a drive, then click that [...] box and surf to the drive and the folder and select it.
then hit OK, should write to that address..........location whatever.
it may take a few minutes for the BI screen to have files available in the new location if there is no motion.
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One of the nifty features of Blue Iris is the ability to clone a camera. That way, with one camera you could have different rules for motion detection, and video and jpeg storage. Be sure to check out the BI videos on the Blue Iris forum: