New computer - Now cant connect via web

George M

Feb 6, 2017
Reaction score
So i've had BI running on a computer for number of years now. Decided to upgrade the computer it is running on. Previously I was able to connect with no problem both localy and via internet.
Now with the new installation on the new computer I cannot get a connection either way. I have run the wizard numerous time. I have verified that the firewall on the computer has the correct port open. I even did a port forward (for now) on that particular port. No luck. Keeps telling me "unable to reach server".

Any ideas on how to track down the problem?

George M


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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How are you trying to connect from outside your home (remotely), with the BI app or UI3?
Either way, did you re-config the app or use the right URL in your browser to work with the new BI server and it's WAN and LAN IP's ?

It's possible the WAN IP changed and it's also likely the server's LAN is different (it should be made static, BTW).

George M

Feb 6, 2017
Reaction score
How are you trying to connect from outside your home (remotely), with the BI app or UI3?
Either way, did you re-config the app or use the right URL in your browser to work with the new BI server and it's WAN and LAN IP's ?

It's possible the WAN IP changed and it's also likely the server's LAN is different (it should be made static, BTW).
Both, the BI app and UI3. And also it wont connect from within my home locally either.
I'm using a ddns and yes I confirmed that it is correct (Works with other things such as a vpn client)
The ip address of the computer is the same as before. It is reserved in my router.

As I said, I went through the wizard and everything checked out there.

It is almost like the web server is not running.


Pulling my weight
Dec 30, 2018
Reaction score
do i understand that you cannot connect to the bi server 1) remotely (vpn) as well as 2) locally?

lets first start with the (perhaps) simpler of the two problems, local connection to BI and double check / verify the following:

1) are there any 'enhanced' network configurations such as VLAN, dual NIC, etc?
2) if not, then check to see that both the BI server and your client system are on the same IP subnet; e.g. 192.168.1.### /
i) what is the result of a PING of the BI server from client system
ii) what is the result of a PING of the client system from the BI server
3) when using UI3 to connect to BI server, what are you using as its name; IP address, system name, hosts. defined name, ?
4) what is BI's website port number; is this being appended to the address entered into your browser

screen grabs of these pages would be very helpful

a) BI server IP configuration,
b) BI SETTINGS Web Server,
c) BI SETTINGS Startup,
d) client UI3 browser attempt/failure error message; exact wording

George M

Feb 6, 2017
Reaction score
Thank you all for you input. I really appreciate it. It is amazing how much one forgets when not messing with the system for a long time.
I think I have it fixed. The problems were two.

1 In addition to having port forwarding set up in my router, I also need to add a rule to the firewall to let the port through. I did have that set up on the computer, but not the router.
2 In setting up the new BI install, I completley looked past the startup folder and didn't realize that I did not have it running as a service. Therefore whenever I shut down the console it was impossible to have any connections.

Again, thanks for the effort. If I have more difficulties I will be back.