I agree when you break 100 feet of any type of wiring. You’re literally just waiting for that collect call from God.

Having said this the amount of time, money, and resources to trench and pull any type of cable should consider running shielded CAT cable.
If properly bonded to a single point earth ground this problem is drastically reduced. Remember shielded cable is just one portion of the equation and must be followed by everything being shielded and grounded.
That’s any patch panel, RJ45 connectors, switch, and server cabinet. Shielded cable alone isn’t enough to provide proper grounding.
Which leads to the next discussion of the proper use of TVSS / SPD’s. Any exposed wiring under the ground / in the air must use some form of surge protection. Grounding in the ideal world would handle 100% of a lightning strike.
But this isn’t a lightning rod, telecom tower, or even a flag pole! So even proper earth grounding in a home / business isn’t enough so installing in line TVSS / SPD’s in a layered manner will capture the 90 / 10.
Meaning the last 10% of stray and manageable current flow should be handled by a sacrificial TVSS / SPD. Remember just because someone uses optical fibre doesn’t mean they are Immune from lightning. Because guess what that fibre runs to a SFP / SFP+ port in a switch or a media converter!
Which is tied to what?
The 120-240 single split phase electrical of the home! When people are able to wade through all of the junk science and trendy marketing from A-Z. They will realize surge protection is a thing and real. Anyone who doubts the need to use any form of surge protection needs only look at any serious environment.
Think Military, Hospital, Telco, Energy, etc. None of these professions and industries are buying and using TVSS / SPD’s because it’s the latest fad or rage. It’s used and deployed because grounding simply isn’t enough to capture the last 10% or the Earth grounding of less than 25 ohms can not be achieved in all areas of a building.
Lastly, if the cable is installed that cable can simply be left sitting on the floor not connected to anything on both ends. Absolutely no way lightning will cause damage to something ten feet away.
Good Luck