New introduction


Jun 29, 2024
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Barnett, MO
Came across this forum when searching for independent opitions on security systems. I have been tasked with finding recommendations for our local crime watch group, seeking systems with AI search capability for our area (monitoring two entry points). Hopefully I can get some good guidance here.


Getting comfortable
Apr 11, 2020
Reaction score
I wrote long reply for Your question about cameras for gated community - but when I wanted to post I found thread was deleted... So I put the reply here

As I understand, You need cameras system which will detect / analyze / describe look of all humans & vehicles in specified areas (streets, gates etc) and allow to search by parameters (like human clothes color/age/sex/hair/hat/glasses etc, car brand/color/plate).

This function is called Video MetaData and it creates thumbs / videos of all people / cars with meta tags describing them. Meta tags are created using AI technology by analyzing video content. NVR interface allow to browse them and search by parameters / tags...

Last video shows many features, but You will find in different parts of video Metadata for humans, Metadata for vehicles, ANPR (car plates)...

Video MetaData is available on Dahua 5-series (WizMind-S 5xx2-S3) and 7-series (WizMind-X 7xx2-X).

5-series have more models (3 fixed/2 varifocal zoom ranges, 3 chassis type, variant of color), is cheaper (200+ USD) but have lower AI performance / processor and don't do car plates (ANPR)..

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 20.41.10.png

7-series have less models (all varifocal with 2 ranges, only bullet/dome no turrets), cost more (500+ USD) but this cam have 10+ different AI modes (Video Metadata is one of them) and can do car plates.. it can generate flow statistics for people / cars based on direction..

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 20.41.38.png

In 5-series cam there is another function call AcuPick - which allow to click on any person / vehicle in any video recordings and ask NVR to find all recordings for the-same looking people / cars from all cameras & recordings...

But AcuPick (older version) on 5-series didn't work in parallel to Video MetaData (You must choose one of them).

This is changing now - Dahua is in process of releasing AcuPick 2.0 - where functions of Video MetaData (describing people/cars by attributes and allow to search by them) are combined with AcuPick in one system...

in 5-series (where we have from a few weeks new firmware) AcuPick 2.0 creates a lot attributes for people, but for cars are only color for now. In next month there should be a new firmware for 7-series where all attributes for human and cars will be available.

Those functions works best where is one central NVR, which integrates all cameras.

It can be done with many NVR but if You want one central interface which works for all cameras, You need use Dahua server software called DSS Server - which in basic version (express) is free but for all AI features You must pay not cheap license for full version.

Materials about AcuPick 2.0:

Screenshots from internal (for installers) Dahua presentation:
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