new IPC-T5442T-ZE tripwire issues

They are in my signature line. I have yet to install my 5241e-z12e and another T5442TM-AS is coming today.

2 Dahua IPC-T5442T-ZE (Andy)
2 Dahua IPC-T5442TM-AS (Andy)
1 Dahua OEM NVR5216-16P-4KS2E (Andy) and 7 Lorex LNB4163C cameras (software shows LNB4163B)
I did not during the update, but I did disconnect all when I reset it.

I had also done the FW update on the 5442 cams at the same time. Cams first then the NVR.
OK lets go back to this
I have new Dahua NVR with new IPC-T5442T-ZE
still having trouble getting event triggers to work.
They work maybe 1 out of 10 times. I have tried a bunch of different event trigger, with and without target filter.

system nvr.png


  • trip1.png
    407.7 KB · Views: 18
  • trip2.png
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  • intrusion.png
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Couple of ideas

  • set target filter human on all
  • check “record” on all
  • on intrusion box check appears and cross and drop the top line of the square to 1/2 way down the door

I think contrast may play a role here. Not enough of it in the shadows. This is a good place for WDR to lighten the inside shadow area.

I don’t keep up with all the fw versions so check with those who do to confirm there isn’t an IVS issue with that version
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I have 16 Dahua cameras and all have tripwire working very well. I cannot seem to get these to work with tripwire. What am I missing here.

I don't think a tripwire is going to work in that application. A trip wire is suppose to trigger when an object crosses the line. Because your lines are basically on a vertical axis, things don't cross the line - they likely appear on both sides of the line at the same time. An intrusion line gets triggered when something touches the line. This is the type of trigger you need to be using for this application.

Per the Dahua wiki....
  • Tripwire will detect if there is any object crossing the warning line, it can support different direction selection, such as A->B, B->A and bidirectional, and it can activate record , snapshot and alarm according to the judgment result
  • Intrusion is used to detect that some sensitive areas can’t be casually entered, exited or crossed in the monitoring scenario, it will trigger device alarm if the target object touches the detection line.
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What are you trying to trigger anyway? When someone is in/enters the porch, or outside, or both?

Here is the intrusion box I would draw for trying to trigger in/enter the porch.
intrusion tripwire.png

Here is the intrusion box I would draw for outside.
intrusion tripwire 3.png

Here is the intrusion box I would draw for both.
intrusion tripwire 4.png
Like the two red lines I showed in post #9?

Mebbe, but I think contrast on the object is the key here in the shadows…
Like the two red lines I showed in post #9?

Mebbe, but I think contrast on the object is the key here in the shadows…
Again, I think a tripwire for the diagonal line is the wrong type of trigger to use. It works fine with the shorter line to the right because anyone coming out of the door would cross that line and trip it. But based on the construction of the room with studs and doors blocking the camera's sightlines to the outside, it is very likely that someone on the outside would not "cross" the diagonal tripwire, but instead suddenly appear on both side (top and bottom) of the trip wire. Certainly someone opening a solid door would not "trip" a diagonal tripwire across the door opening, but appear on both sides of the tripwire at the same time. When this happens, the tripwire is not triggered at all which is exactly the symptoms that the OP is complaining about.

If you wanted to use tripwires that would trigger if someone entered the room through either door, your tripwires would look like this.
intrusion tripwire 5.png

Actually if you were looking to use tripwires to trigger on all possible entry to the room, your tripwire trigger should really look this this due to the potential that someone could come through the screens.....

Again, trying to use a tripwire trigger on the "outside" portions of this location are not going to work well because the studs and door between the camera and the "outside" elements may cause issues with the tripwire style triggers. The "intrusion" trigger would be better for the outside elements.
intrusion tripwire 6.png

EDIT 2 - This is really quite complicated when you really start to think through it!

While those tripwires could work effectively for triggering when people ENTERED the room, I think using the same tripwire to trigger when someone exits through the screen door is impossible because a person in the room would appear above and below the tripwire long before they got to the door. This would negate the effectiveness of the trigger. Therefore another trigger would be needed to trigger when someone is leaving through the screen porch. The orange line represents this trigger. It needs to be placed on the white door frame with space between it and the wooden stud on the left so that the camera can see pixels pass through the line. If you don't leave that gap, the wood will block the camera from seeing any objects cross the trigger line to the left. Even then, if the door closed before the subject moved far enough to the left to cross the tripwire, it would not fire.

However, because the tripwire is on the door itself, it would not trigger from people walking around outside because the door would prevent the camera from seeing anything outside actually cross the orange tripwire, which is a good thing IMHO.

intrusion tripwire 7.png
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Thanks guys I will give some of this a try. I do believe it has to do with contrast also. The only time it might trip now when someone is coming out of house.
Thanks guys I will give some of this a try. I do believe it has to do with contrast also. The only time it might trip now when someone is coming out of house.

That's because about the only time your existing tripwires are actually crossed (ie an object moving from one side of the line to the other) is when someone walks out the door and close enough to the screen wall that their head crosses over the downward diagonal line. They would start out being fully below the line, but their head/body could eventually cross over the line. If they walk into the middle of the room however, it is likely that their head would not cross over the diagonal line however (their body would stay completely below the line) and the the lower line is never crossed by a person walking out of the house door. That's because it would register the person both above and below the line at the same time and that is not the same as someone crossing over it.
What's weird though is I have a bunch of the 2mp varifocals I am replacing with these 4mp. The 2 mp didn't seem this picky and are still working fine with tripwire.
Tried the stuff recommended and doesn't seem to help. Messing with WDR . install new one on front porch seems to have same issues. Firmware is different on the two.
FWIW - I noticed issues like this on V3 firmware (NVR) and noticed if I did the following, I had no issues with tripwire/intrusion trips:
1) Set up all tripwires and intrusion boxes first on the camera.
2) Log into the NVR via the WebGUI, go to Event for each camera and click on the Refresh button. When you do this, the NVR learns what Events are setup in the camera and populates the Events on the NVR. Essentially it synchronizes the NVR with what the camera has.
3) That's it. I haven't had issues with inconsistent trips, no matter which firmware I'm running on each camera.
FWIW - I noticed issues like this on V3 firmware (NVR) and noticed if I did the following, I had no issues with tripwire/intrusion trips:
1) Set up all tripwires and intrusion boxes first on the camera.
2) Log into the NVR via the WebGUI, go to Event for each camera and click on the Refresh button. When you do this, the NVR learns what Events are setup in the camera and populates the Events on the NVR. Essentially it synchronizes the NVR with what the camera has.
3) That's it. I haven't had issues with inconsistent trips, no matter which firmware I'm running on each camera.

Good point.
I always make ALL setting changes on the camera, hit save/refresh on the camera multiple times, and if in doubt, reboot the NVR afterwards. Same concept, less chance of pushing potentially bad NVR settings the other way.
Update did tje refresh on camaras and nvr didnt seem to help much.
A reboot did seem to make things better.
But having issues now on playback of recordings it skips section or hangs up.

As much as I hate it, may try new fw update.
Update did tje refresh on camaras and nvr didnt seem to help much.
A reboot did seem to make things better.
But having issues now on playback of recordings it skips section or hangs up.

As much as I hate it, may try new fw update.

I don't think you have ever said how you are recording. Is it on an SD card, or BlueIris, or NVR, or something else?

Whatever you are recording to, make sure you view the source and are not trying to view a playback over your network. If it's an SD card, pull the card from the camera and put it in a computer to view. If it's a BI machine, make sure you are on the local machine and not RDP into it or trying to view playback via UI3 or some other way. This way you can know for sure if the issues you are experiencing on playback are actually issues with the camera, recording system, or simply issues with playback across your network.

The other thing we should have mentioned but didn't is to make sure that you are using Windows Internet Explorer when making any changes to the cameras. Don't use Edge, or Chrome, or Firefox or any other browser - only the old fashion Windows Internet Explorer. Some cameras - especially Dahau's - are extremely sensitive to the browser you use and only IE seems to work reliably. Other browsers may not don't show all the GUI (ie buttons/settings may be missing) and/or the camera may not actually save/make any changes you make.
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