New Viewtron 8mp camera

Cliff Pitts

Young grasshopper
Oct 10, 2019
I unpacked and proceeded to install it on my system using BlueIris 5 and was not able to set the camera due to no IP address. There is no MAC sticker or qr code on camera.The router devices lists shows nothing and since I don't know the MAC I can not identify the camera and ODM finds the camera but gives a standard IP address for routers. My router is fine but nothing will detect the camera and supply a IP address. I am beginning to think this camera will only work with a DVR I am a newbie so not sure where this post should go. Will contact seller tomorrrow.
Does it have a model number?
Model IP-A80 Viewtron
I don't see that model number on the site where those are sold. Does it have a reset button, perhaps under a door for a microSD card?
They have instructions on their webpage on how to set it up, can use their "IP Installer Tool". Assume you have either a POE switch or POE injector for the cam. Also, how to set up with static IP address in cam web interface.

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