Newbee notes

Oct 11, 2016
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Hi all, my first foray into home security cameras so I thought possibly I'd note down here some 'first timer' lessons learned -- probably so obvious to experienced folks that they are not worth mentioning. However, had they been here might have helped me get things rolling faster!

So my system is Dahua -- all through B&H (an 'official' distributer) as I was worried about posts around firmware not being upgradable etc.

I purchased an NVR 8P POE model (DHI-NVR42A08-8P) and a single IP fixed dome camera for the porch (DH-IPC-HDBW42A1EN-AS-2.8MM) [More to be added as I get time/$]. I went with NVR as I wanted to setup and forget -- I already run various home media centers (Kodi/HDHomeRun) and Home automation ... that takes enough time already :). Maybe one day I'll switch to S/W but not for now.

The NVR will be in the basement with a local monitor and a HDMI splitter feeding the local monitor AND a large screen TV in the family room (main level) -- with easy remote to switch from Kodi (HTPC) to cameras if needed.

So some notes about Dahua first ever setup (please no laughing):

1. The NVR software is ok and seems fairly feature rich. BUT the UI/logic is not always obvious. It might take some time to get up to speed, lots of trial and error, etc. Manuals are generally useless. Took me about a day or so to get to a point I sort of understand the major parts ... Just try out stuff. Trail and error. Still lots of items I have no idea what they mean -- possibly to experienced folks its obvious. Not to me -- yet!

2. Recording schedule: It comes setup so it is recording all the time (At least I think it does). The issue with this is that all I wanted was recording on motion detection ONLY. I had the events all setup to do this BUT there was an element missing that took me hours to figure out (its not really logically linked to the camera setup). The 'schedule' recording screen -- make sure it has ONLY MD set. If you have normal recording that overrides it (or seems to). Also, do not assume 'MD and Alarm' are exclusive (as I did) -- To trigger recording in that mode requires BOTH an MD event AND an ALARM (I am assuming it does at least) -- choose MD only. That one took me some time! See screenshot below to see what it needs to look like.


3. Physical Dome camera orientation. I thought that I had to figure out how to orient the camera before I drilled holes etc -- I held it up and had my Wife tell me best angle etc and I carefully marked the location. So when I go to put it up and take of the dome -- you can orient/move the camera manually once you take of the dome. Dumb I know but hey ... Just find somewhere to put it and you can the adjust the actual insides of the cameras as needed.

4. Mobile. So iOS apps seem to work ok (got PLUS for both iPhone and iPad). A few bugs but generally seem to be good. I am currently using port forwarding to get to the NVR and its camera (Both on Verizon FIOS router and internal router). I seem to have to forward only port 37777 (TCP) and 37778 (UDP). This is ONLY for the app -- not remote web access. No need to forward the other ports.

4A. Push events. I created separate (restricted) admin users for each one of my family that might want to use the app. You seem to have to create an admin user as to create a push alert in app, you need the 'EVENT' permission. As such, I created an admin user and removed all ADMIN permissions except EVENT and CAMERA (at least that I know of so far -- needed CAMERA for a different app feature). See below for perms for a iOS user (basically normal user plus event and camera).


4B. For the IP address -- use the external one all the time (the one you need to port forward for). It works on my network even if you are on local WiFi -- I initially had one configuration for internal and one for external as the app does not seem to have two IP cfgs for a device (like other apps do). However, using just the external address seems to work well. I suspect it bounces out to the Verizon router and back in (not sure). Doesn't really matter -- works and only 1 configuration within app.

5. The 'default' user. So I tried to delete this -- you can't. So while I was trying to figure out how to have my setup not need a login and just display on local monitor it hit me THIS is what the default account is for! You do need to update permissions to see the specific cameras -- no other permissions needed. The NVR 'defaults' to this account!! Duh. Yeah I know. Out of the box, this user has no permissions so the screen is blank at startup. Once you add viewing capabilities, it shows the cameras.

6. Think about integration with Home automation. I have a Vera at home and thought yeah I'll figure that out later. Turns out not a good idea. If you want integration you need a SEPARATE POE switch -- see various threads here ... Not a big deal for me but might have gone with a separate POE switch had I research a bit more. I suspect I'll use Dahua app mostly anyhow. Just would be nice with integration ...

I am actually pleasantly surprised so far -- after initial starting with S/W and UI I was dubious. Now its all running, NVR seems to be good, screens are good, camera seems fine, IOS is working well with PUSH alerts from inside and outside local network. Wife and daughter can use easy enough on phone. Once I get my splitter from Amazon should also be able to see on BIG screen easily too! Our pumpkins are now well watched! I hope not to have to mess with it once its rolling. Other than to add new cameras!


Now you can laugh!

Cheers, Tony.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
why record on motion? hdd's are cheap as shit.. I have 8 cameras @ full quality and I get > 3 weeks of continuous recording w/motion flagging on 10TB of disk that cost me $350

might consider rotating that camera 90 degrees and running it in cooridor mode.. you could see out further and not waste so many pixels on them walls.


Young grasshopper
Aug 19, 2016
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New Hampshire
How would you rate your experience dealing with B&H? Did they have the NVR & Cams you wanted 'In Stock' at the time or did they have to 'Special Order'/Drop Ship them to you? If non-stock, how long did it take to get them? Did you confirm if they can/will provide any product support, warranty support, etc? Did they provide you with any pre-sale application support re: product selection? I'm right on the cusp of purchasing a Dahua System (An NVR & Qty. 4 - IP Cams to start) and was considering purchasing from B&H. I initially had support concerns that would have me leaning towards a US Distributor, however I'm not sure that's worth the add'l $$'s. Considering I pretty much know what I want and I'll probably get any support I need right here anyway, or at least get pointed in the right direction, I'm probably leaning towards sourcing through AliExpress now. Please convey your experience w/ B&H. Thanks.
May 18, 2016
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why record on motion? hdd's are cheap as shit.. I have 8 cameras @ full quality and I get > 3 weeks of continuous recording w/motion flagging on 10TB of disk that cost me $350

might consider rotating that camera 90 degrees and running it in cooridor mode.. you could see out further and not waste so many pixels on them walls.
Hey. I constant record on my cams but how do you set the motion flagging or for ex. intrusion flagging? I have a Dahua 4208 nvr.
Oct 11, 2016
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Yeah, I was considering that also - well see how my usage goes. For now I have an old 500GB in there but will upgrade. Am not sure about reliability etc when constantly running. How often have you needed to see something not recorded by a trigger?
Oct 11, 2016
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Thanks for the tip - ill see if I can do that. Those walls are not going anywhere!
Oct 11, 2016
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B&H are good. Use them for other DSLR stuff too. They did have to drop ship. Arrived within a week. I expected longer. Not much else to say as all they really do is take the $$ and didn't have to return anything. Now I know a little more next camera may come from elsewhere if cost savings are worth it.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
all the freaking time, I had a Gang incident earlier this year that would have never been recorded if I had masked off the road.. and it even took place out of frame but the audio pickup was crucial:

Go look at our captures section here and think of what would have been missed, car accidents, prowlers roaming the streets, smoke off in distance, etc.. You never know; those guys in Russia who caught that asteroid burst probably got a check from Youtube that was far larger than there camera system cost.. presuming they were smart enough to monazite it.. lots of people have had surveillance videos hit millions of views without trouble.
Oct 11, 2016
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Tony, we are all beginners at some point, no need to worry. Nice write up.
So to add to the newbie stories - audio in/out on camera. I expected that to mean it had a mic/speaker (you know like any webcams would). I got a 50ft cable and hooked them to the audio in/out on the DVR. Took about 30 mins of reading after nothing was working to figure out that that's entirely NOT how it works! Oh well, not worth the effort to wire in MIC/speaker and power. But I had to laugh at how far out my assumptions were ... although you know what they say about those.
Oct 11, 2016
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all the freaking time, I had a Gang incident earlier this year that would have never been recorded if I had masked off the road.. and it even took place out of frame but the audio pickup was crucial:

Go look at our captures section here and think of what would have been missed, car accidents, prowlers roaming the streets, smoke off in distance, etc.. You never know; those guys in Russia who caught that asteroid burst probably got a check from Youtube that was far larger than there camera system cost.. presuming they were smart enough to monazite it.. lots of people have had surveillance videos hit millions of views without trouble.
Ha, ok,, I think that's enough for me ... i'll turn it on when I get home :) Thanks.


Oct 26, 2016
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Yeah, I was considering that also - well see how my usage goes. For now I have an old 500GB in there but will upgrade. Am not sure about reliability etc when constantly running. How often have you needed to see something not recorded by a trigger?
You can also mask areas for motion, like a busy road or a tree that's always blowing in the wind. That will reduce your motion activations.

Also, if you are using non Dahua cameras, realize not all features are onvif compatible and the nvr can't always change features on the camera...may have to login right into the camera to change things.

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