Newbie Question: 16-port POE vs 8 Port POE with Injector


Jan 11, 2015
Dayton, Ohio area
As we move towards choosing an IP system, we have moved from 8 cameras to 9 cameras. Is there advantage/disadvantage when considering a lower-priced 8-port All POE PLUS an injector (to add-on more POE ports) VS a more expensive 16-port all-POE. The price difference is a couple hundred dollars.
Please - Any comments on my question are appreciated! With 9 (or possibly more) cameras, does an 8-port NVR POE plus 8-port injector function/perform the same as a full 16-port POE NVR (except for the "loss" of one port presumably)? We're talking a $250 cost difference. Thanks.
It will work the same except that it might be a pain to access the cameras interface directly...when you have the cams on a separate switch they are assigned ip addresses by the router which makes them easier to access. Also, depending on where you place the NVR it can be loud, if you have built in poe...i always prefer separate poe switches...
You can buy one of these
and one of
That will give you a total of 11 usable poe ports...
Presumably the NVR without the built in poe is it balances out
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Great info....thanks. Actually, BOTH NVRs are POE. I'm trying to decide if there are benefits to buying the less expensive $299 8-port NVR PLUS $50 switch/injector, VS a single $599 16-port NVR. That $250 difference needs to cost-justify itself somehow....whether reducing the hassle-factor, network configuration, NVR firmware/software compatibility, etc.
HikVision unbranded 7716 (16 port POE) vs an unbranded 8716 (8-port POE/8-port analog). BTW, 7 - 3mp and 2- 2 mp cameras at this time.
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What are the specs on the 8716? can it do all 16 channel IP? Im sure there are other differences between the units.
Fantastic! Thanks so much. Bottom line: Any major hassle in set-up configuration other than IP addresses? There's a viewpoint that the 8/16 will only support 8 IP cameras even with a switch.

For $250 (saved) difference is the 16/8 plus switch a better decision? Or if 9-12 cameras the 16/16 is wiser...