Not able to export clips


Pulling my weight
May 8, 2015
What is your receive buffer set to on 3-4MP cameras @ 6-10fps out of curiosity? Maybe it's something else, but lately I haven't been able to export certain clips. BI just bombs the task without displaying an error. It produces a half-attempted file that, after opening, allows you to identify the exact second of the trouble spot. Playing that part back inside BI reveals a sort of "time-out" of anywhere from 2-4 seconds...

May have been a few updates into it, because I feel like exporting used to just glaze over any errors/timeouts and produce them on the export.

I tried every single option inside the export menu to see if a different codec/yada yada would help.
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I know some suggest 20mb, have u tried that?

I'd say start there, let it run for a bit and then try to export again and see what happens
Yeah my first thought was to amp it up to 20 -- I'll try a round of exports in a bit. I'm not too sure how common the occurrence is, but we'll see. My cams aren't above 300 kB/s and BI has access to a pretty dope NAS so everything was working pretty well until somewhat recently I believe.