NVR 'live view' camera aspect ratio control?


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
I'm pretty experienced with networking, Blue Iris and cameras in general, but new-ish to these NVR things
and their 'quirks'...

I have a Hikvision DS-7608NI-E2 NVR (fw vers 3.3.601) set up on the test bench with a few cams. Not all cams have the same aspect and one is turned sideways (corridor mode).

one is a 3MP (4x3 aspect), one is 2MP (1080p @ 16:9 aspect), and the third is a 3MP in corridor mode (4x3 aspect, but sideways.)

Yet the NVR live view shows them all the same aspect. I find the config/local/live-view-parameters section has radio buttons for auto/4x3/16x9, but that seems to apply to the entire image (all cams).

Is there no way to specify/correct the aspect for individual cameras? As is, there's always one or more cams displayed at the wrong aspect (stretched one way or another to fit the frame)

Do they really assume that ALL our cams have the same aspect? You'd think the software could determine the aspect of the stream and 'do the right thing' with it (like BI does...)

Thanx for any insight on this issue. Paul.
a couple screen grabs to show what i mean (with live-view setting at 4x3)
- cam 1 (upper left is 3MP 4x3) displayed properly
- cam 2 (upper right is 2mp 1080p 16x9 w/ IR cut issue) displayed vertically stretched to 4x3.
- cam 3 (lower left) is 3MP 4x3 turned sideways and rotated in cam UI - corridor mode) displayed stretched horizonally to 4x3...

image size setting 'autofill' simply fills the frame, regardless of cam's aspect, so no more useful than 4:3 or 16:9...

seems like there should be a 'maintain original aspect' option, no?

config.PNG live-view.PNG
ok, so nobody with a Hik NVR has cams with differing aspect ratios? or ever turns them sideways?
or do folks just deal with the incorrect aspect for one or more cams in the live view via web & console?...
I'm afraid I don't have differing aspect ratios, but i don't think it's possible.

The web interfaces are pretty limited.
I realized the pics i had posted earlier weren't quit represenattive of the issue.
Having added the first cam as 'plug & play', the NVR had set it 1080p (16x9)
despite it having been previously set at 3MP 4x3. here's a better image (with Moscow Mule):


One thing I've found is that the NVR does seem to 'know' if a cam is in corridor mode,
as long as it's been added via Plug & Play or manually via 'Hikvision' protocol.

In that case, the single-view mode in the NVR console (only!) does properly place black bars on the side of the
image and the aspect appears correct, but ONLY in single view mode in the NVR console.
At 2x2 or 3x3 etc, and in the Web UI, it has all cam images filling the respective frames per
the setting in Local/LiveImageView/ImageSize , regardless of actual cam image aspect.

This seems to imply it's doing no analysis of the actual image encoding to determine aspect,
just going by how it knows the cam to be configured (rotate/mirror, etc)

Add the same cam using ONVIF as the protocol, and it blindly fills the frame with the image, even in
single-view mode, which is of course badly stretched out horizontally.

As I mentioned, currently running DS-7608NI-E2 NVR on firmware Vers 3.3.601.
This is only a couple years old, afaict, so I'm surprised it does so poorly wrt individual cam aspects
in this day of 16x9 TV's and the various aspects they can deal with since the dawn of HDTV...
Maybe newer firmware does better? I guess I've been spoiled by BI... :-)

Thanx, Paul.
OK, now I've done it. Thought I would see if the latest firmware is any better at this aspect ratio stuff, so I 'upgraded' to 3.4.92 (from Hik US site.) NVR runs but it changed the admin account username to some big long inscrutable string and seems to have created a bunch of other junk users as well. Needless to say, I can't login via the UI to do a ' reset', and I find no reset button or even pads on the board anywhere.


Luckily, I had it set to 'no security' for the console (unchecked 'enable password' in the 'display' settings page,)
thus even tho I couldn't edit any of the now-bogus user accounts, I was able to 'restore to inactive'
from the 'system maintenance'/defaults page' and go from there...

Serial number is DS-7608NI-E2/8P0820170921AARR<9-digits>WCVU
I guess RR means 'other' region, not necessarily US, so perhaps the US firmware is not QUITE right for this unit.

And sadly, the upgrade had no effect on the aspect ratio issue that's bugging me,
but at least I didn't brick it. yet... :-)