NVR robbing network speed?

I am curious, have you ever heard about 'buffer bloat' ? Basically, from what I understand, it occurs because there is too much traffic on your local network and things start 'stacking up' trying to get out to the internet which then slows things down. More info here -> Introduction - Bufferbloat.net

DSL Reports used to have a bufferbloat test but it has not been working for a while. I am not saying bufferbloat is your problem, but it would be interesting to see if you would run the speed test from Fast.com with and without your NVR connected to your network

Fast.com is a speed test that Netflix created. What is unusual about this test is that it will actually measure latency while 'loaded' during the download and upload. (similar to you downloading a large file and running a ping test at the same time) Ideally you want the time between loaded and unloaded to be less than 20 ms. Run the test, but you have to click on 'show more' to see the latency results. My results below:
Tri -  1200.jpg
Alright guys, I have the new network hooked up through the 2nd LAN in my USG.

It is on the following subnet:

Below is my screen shot of the IP screen for the NVR.

It still won’t connect. What am I missing?


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"Won't connect" how? Looks like it has an IP address (

If you put it on another subnet from whatever you're trying to access it with, then you'll need to get on that same subnet to connect to it. Or you'll need to set up routing to/from get there.

What's the effect on your WiFi now with it as is now?
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"Won't connect" how? Looks like it has an IP address (

If you put it on another subnet from whatever you're trying to access it with, then you'll need to get on that same subnet to connect to it. Or you'll need to set up routing to/from get there.

I am no longer able to pull it up on DMSS on my cell phone. This was originally hooked up through P2P. P2P is not currently connected inside the NVR. This is what leads me to believe it is not connected.
It's looking for a gateway to get out at Do you have a valid gateway at that address?

I'm not familiar with how Ubiquiti sets up for the second LAN. Whether that's all pointed to automatically or you need to set up in some way. Probably the latter.

It is picking up an LAN IP address though. Still needs a way in and out.

Again, before you change with it and with it on another subnet, what's the effect on your WiFI now?
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It's looking for a gateway to get out at Do you have a valid gateway at that address?

I'm not familiar with how Ubiquiti sets up for the second LAN. Whether that's all pointed to automatically or you need to set up in some way. Probably the latter.

It is picking up an LAN IP address though. Still needs a way in and out.

Again, before you change with it on another subnet, what's the effect on your WiFI now?

Here is my setup for this network inside ubiquiti:


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Need someone more familiar with the Ubiquiti stuff. Looks to me like it's setting up the second LAN for a second WAN connection (WAN2) as it is. Which isn't there. Need to point it to use WAN1? Or route over to LAN1 and then in/out.

Have to defer to those who know it better.
That looks right (except start your dhcp range at .2 instead of .1)

then like @Mike A. said, you need your phone and whatever you’re trying to connect with to be on that 192.168.2.x network to reach the NVR now
That looks right (except start your dhcp range at .2 instead of .1)

then like @Mike A. said, you need your phone and whatever you’re trying to connect with to be on that 192.168.2.x network to reach the NVR now

hmmm that's an issue.. I don't have WIFI on that network. it's just a LAN network. Shouldn't this be able to connect to my cell through P2P --- orrrr.. the dreaded port forwarding?
I think p2p was the origin of your problem to begin with but I’ll step out because this is starting to get over my head :oops:

I wonder if the gateway on lan2 has to be same as the original lan and the ubiquity sorts that out?
I think p2p was the origin of your problem to begin with but I’ll step out because this is starting to get over my head :oops:

I wonder if the gateway on lan2 has to be same as the original lan and the ubiquity sorts that out?

I do not believe that this is connected to the internet.. when I check my topography of ubiquiti - there should now be two networks coming off the USG and there is not... additionally, it is showing that the dedicated network for the security cameras is pulling no data.
Yeah, I think it's as I said above. It's expecting another separate WAN2 for that LAN2 as it is now.

As just a quick try, can you change the gateway to See if that works. Assuming that's your normal gateway at least. Whatever IP the gateway to WAN1/LAN1 would be.
It shouldnt be using data unless you are pulling streams
Yeah, I think it's as I said above. It's expecting another separate WAN2 for that LAN2 as it is now.

As just a quick try, can you change the gateway to See if that works. Assuming that's your normal gateway at least. Whatever IP the gateway to WAN1/LAN1 would be.

To be clear - change the gateway on the NVR, correct?
NVR gateway probably should point to It won't find a address since it's on the .2 subnet.

Internally, somehow you need to get the subnet to be able to access the gateway out.

I think that I was reading the setup in the pic somewhat wrong. I think what that's saying as "WAN2/LAN2" is just the naming for that port. It can be used for either purpose, either an second LAN or another WAN link.

But my same point stands - need a way for LAN2 to get in/out somehow. It needs to get to WAN1 somehow. Try pointing the gateway for LAN2 to
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NVR gateway probably should point to It won't find a address since it's on the .2 subnet.

Internally, somehow you need to get the subnet to be able to access the gateway out.

I think that I was reading the setup in the pic somewhat wrong. I think what's saying as "WAN2/LAN2" is that's just the naming for that port. It can be used for either purpose, either an second LAN or another WAN link.

But my same point stands - need a way for LAN2 to get in/out somehow. It needs to get to WAN1 somehow. Try pointing the gateway for LAN2 to

yes, that is just ubiquiti's naming for that port LAN/WAN 2 - you have the option of either.

I cannot do that. is my home network. I'm trying to seperate the NVR off of that. I'm not seeing where you see the NVR pointing to
Understand. But it needs a way in/out. Otherwise no Internet. You still can have it isolated. Again, I don't know Ubiquiti stuff well enough to know how to set that up for VLANs, etc. But I meant as a test to see if you can get a valid gateway in/out.

I didn't say that I saw the NVR pointing to You were asking where I was saying to change the gateway. I meant for the LAN2 not the NVR. With a 192.168.2.x address, the NVR won't find a gateway at if you changed it there (at least without setting up some routing).
Understand. But it needs a way in/out. Otherwise no Internet. You still can have it isolated. Again, I don't know Ubiquiti stuff well enough to know how to set that up for VLANs, etc. But I meant as a test to see if you can get a valid gateway in/out.

I didn't say that I saw the NVR pointing to You were asking where I was saying to change the gateway. I meant for the LAN2 not the NVR. With a 192.168.2.x address, the NVR won't find a gateway at if you changed it there (at least without setting up some routing).

I think you misread that. it's always been pointing at 192.168.2.x
Yes, that's kind of the problem. lol I think at least.

That's why I was saying to change it.

I think that I'm just confusing you more now. ; )

Somehow, LAN2 needs a way in/out. Either by going through LAN1 and out to WAN1 (setting the LAN2 gateway to or through its own separate access to WAN1.

The NVR would stay on the network using as its gateway. Assuming that's what you want anyway and separate from some VLAN config differently.
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