NVR608-32-4KS2 NVR608-64-4KS2 Latest new firmware NVR6XX-4KS2_EngFrnSpn_V3.216.0000000.1.R.190614

Are they planning on the firmware update that eliminates the need for the plugin? HTML5 or something?
Irequested IPv6 support from Dahua to this model, they promised to release soon V4 firmware for NVR6XX-4KS2. Approx. in the middle of april, so hope to see this very soon.
Irequested IPv6 support from Dahua to this model, they promised to release soon V4 firmware for NVR6XX-4KS2. Approx. in the middle of april, so hope to see this very soon.
Really??!? They told you they will release version 4 for the NVR608-4KS2? That's great news because I always bother @EMPIRETECANDY about it.

@Wildcat_1 was helping me to figure out ANPR functionality of a new IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 with the NVR608 and the end result was that they are not compatible together. I think the same applies for all the new cameras with Smart Plan options that they are not currently compatible with the NVR6XX-4KS2.
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As @Slacker quite rightly mentioned, the NVR608-4KS2 currently doesn't currently integrate with the newer AI cams so be careful if expecting to control that way. You always have the option of in cam-recording but the NVR will only ever be able to read functionalities that the camera supports and if the NVR doesn't support them itself, you run into issues. HTH

Really??!? They told you they will release version 4 for the NVR608-4KS2? That's great news because I always bother @EMPIRETECANDY about it.

@Wildcat_1 was helping me to figure out ANPR functionality of a new IPC-HFW7442H-Z4 with the NVR608 and the end result was that they are not compatible together. I think the same applies for all the new cameras with Smart Plan options that they are not currently compatible with the NVR6XX-4KS@.
To be honest, exact promise was not V4 but new baseline - what in my understanding is the same. Please forgive me if i am mistakeing.
I recently updated my NVR with this version and I am now having issues with RTSP streams dropping and/or freezing. Previously I could have RTSP streams open for days for remote display on Raspberry Pi units and now they freeze after about an hour. The API support has improved in this firmware and an application that pulls alerts from the NVR for pushing to MQTT is getting more data, but the RTSP not being usable for very long is a drag. Anyone else seeing this?

I have given up trying to figure out why the RTSP streams on the NVR fail after a short period of time with this firmware. I pointed my application at the cams themselves and they are now stable. @EMPIRETECANDY , perhaps mention to Dahua that this version has broken RTSP support. RTSP support seems to me to be a pretty important baseline feature and distributing a firmware that has it broken does not give me a lot of confidence in Dahua.

I just updated and it looks good so far. I have 43 cameras on the system so I didn't want to default anything. The one problem I am seeing is Live View but I have had this same problem with other NVR's that I updated to 4.0 so I assume it may be something with my computer. I can view the video normally from iDMSS and SmartPSS. The "Download Certificate" message is what I see instead of the video. I have asked about this problem on the forum before with no solution. @EMPIRETECANDY Any ideas?
The main feature a lot of us are waiting for is web login with no plugin. Are you saying this is broken?
Has anyone else updated this and got Live View to work or do you get the same "Download Certificate" link like in my screenshot?
Same thing for me, stuck at this download certificate
I got it to work by using Internet Explorer 11. @EMPIRETECANDY contacted Dahua and I forgot to post the workaround here. It is disappointing that it doesn't work without a plugin which is supposed to be one of the big advantages of the new version. Hopefully they correct it.
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yes, i report to them, hope they can fix up the firmware in the new ones.
NVR52XX-4KS2 they release a new firmware last week.