One camera missing from Blue Iris dashboard


Getting the hang of it
Mar 3, 2021
In the process of rearranging the camera layout on the blue iris dashboard I moved one of the cameras half off of the dashboard. I am unable to drag it back down and it is now on a separate page. I tried to close that page out, sign out of blue iris, and restart the computer but did not fix the problem. I had this happen once before but I can't remember what I did to fix it. Having a senior moment i guess.....
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Minimize Blue Iris, don't close or exit...just minimize.
Is the camera there by itself?
If so, right click on it and un-check "open in a desktop frame"
Now maximize Blue Iris.
On the topic of new things in BI, where is there a discussion on the new feature of PTZ presets and trigger zones? I believe I had read that a recent update allows a PTZ camera to have multiple zones and triggers based on presets?