Newbie with first post here.
Should I buy a doorbell that works with Synology or go with an off network doorbell? If so, which doorbell would you suggest?
I just bought a Synology NAS and PoE+ switch to support a number of digital projects I have going on (security being one of them). I had a Blink X2 doorbell and it was unusable out of the box without major compromises. Focused correctly, I get about 35 false alerts per day regardless of how the motion detection filters were set.... unusable. Focused downwards, I got about 5-6 false alerts per day mostly due to shrubs moving or the occasionally bunny/bird.
My requirements are:
Good motion detection filtering
It has to be wifi and use the transformer. I can't get a PoE ethernet cable to that location and I don't want to constantly change batteries. I can swap out the transformer if need be.
It needs less audio lag than the X2. 2 seconds or better is workable.
I don't care so much about the resolution as I'll have other high resolution cameras covering the door from different angles
No subscription fees. I don't mind paying a few hundred for a doorbell as long as there are no monthly/annual subscription fees.
Door lock/unlock and wifi chimes would be a good feature but not a showstopper.
Should I buy a doorbell that works with Synology or go with an off network doorbell? If so, which doorbell would you suggest?
I just bought a Synology NAS and PoE+ switch to support a number of digital projects I have going on (security being one of them). I had a Blink X2 doorbell and it was unusable out of the box without major compromises. Focused correctly, I get about 35 false alerts per day regardless of how the motion detection filters were set.... unusable. Focused downwards, I got about 5-6 false alerts per day mostly due to shrubs moving or the occasionally bunny/bird.
My requirements are:
Good motion detection filtering
It has to be wifi and use the transformer. I can't get a PoE ethernet cable to that location and I don't want to constantly change batteries. I can swap out the transformer if need be.
It needs less audio lag than the X2. 2 seconds or better is workable.
I don't care so much about the resolution as I'll have other high resolution cameras covering the door from different angles
No subscription fees. I don't mind paying a few hundred for a doorbell as long as there are no monthly/annual subscription fees.
Door lock/unlock and wifi chimes would be a good feature but not a showstopper.