I'm not sure why I couldn't increase the size of the stored plate pictures in the OpenALPR dashboard a few days ago without the agent shitting the bed, but now it seems to work as normal. I've increased it to 100GB which should be the equivalent of ~2 years worth of plate pictures. Far longer than I store video on Blueiris.
FYI, modifying a camera doesn't seem to work in the web UI for your service. Neither does deleting it. I needed to change the OpenALPR ID and the OpenALPR name for the camera since I moved the agent to a dedicated VM, but those fields dont get save upon editing.
Not sure if you care or not but if viewing on iPad, the display is a bit jacked up with the current layout if on landscape. Works fine in portrait as the search box gets moved down below the results. Not sure why the search box doesn’t get moved down below the results in landscape as well. It does move the search box on my Android phone in landscape but not on iPad.
There is definitely a problem editing the cameras. I can't remove them and if you go to click "save" when editing the OpenALPR ID field it will sometimes create new cameras. The below screen shot only shows two but now I have three cameras and I never added a new one. I clicked save when editing and it created a new one automatically. The problem seems to be centered around editing the OpenALPR name and OpenALPR ID fields.
The Ignore List feature is a game changer too, I get a lot that just say "TEXAS" when someone is parked on the street and the rest of the plate is cut off. Now I should get no more TEXAS
No problem! No need to apologize. Gotta pay the bills sometimes. UI is fixed on the iPad. That looks wonderful! I was also able to delete the cameras I couldn't before. Overlays are also working properly for me again. The only issue I'm seeing in the camera settings area is its not displaying the last capture there. It shows a question mark and/or the missing picture icon sometimes.
Edit: The questions mark shows only if you restart the service and before a plate has come in. Once a plate has been "seen", I get the missing picture icon now. Its the same problem you fixed before with the browser pulling non-SSL content and mixing with SSL. It doesn't allow it by default so it shuts it down.