Known around here
Question for you, is it possible to edit the default search range? I never saw any performance increase when adding it, so now most of the time I just delete the entry manually
Can someone kindly point me to a guide to setting this up? I've seen references to a Wiki on it, but all the links go to the generic IPCT Wiki with nothing about this project. Am I missing it? Thanks!
Anyone else have the Rekor DB cleared out without their knowledge? I only have plates going back as far as 7/25 now in the webhook processor. I should have over 6 months worth of plates.
Edit: Actually, the webhook processor seems to not be pulling my old plates in. In my OpenALPR cloud dashboard, it is telling me that the oldest image is 9 months old. @mlapaglia Any idea on why it's not showing all my images in the processor?
if you just updated to the latest openalpr agent they changed the config for the storage size, 4GB became 4MB. i had a thread about it on the openalpr forum, but it looks like they took down the whole site.
here's a cached version: Free disk space stuck at 8GB
The goal is to maintain constant access to the entire database. This is needed especially when you see a potentially suspicious vehicle and it was spotted previously regardless of how long ago.You could store that .db separately and then start a new one. You would have to manually copy it out somewhere. Then if you ever want to access plates inside of it, you would have to manually copy it back in or just change your startup environment variables to point to it.
Thank you for the fix! I'm not sure what the memory usage should be. Mine currently sits with ~631mb memory and 2.8gb cache without the web GUI being accessed. Spikes a little when web GUI is accessed and comes back to the same level. Seems a bit high. Not sure what everyone else is seeing.
Ideally you’d put any forward facing services in a DMZ to limit vulnerabilities.This is a beautiful setup, but opening a firewall port and pointing it right to my computer poses a risk I'm not comfortable with.
Has anyone explored pulling data into this directly from the local webserver (or something like the LPR Downloader from Gymratz)? Forgive my ignorance if that's a stupid question, but it would seem ideal to stay as much within your own network as possible.