I just realized, I'm actually running a build from 2022!
I just deleted the container, made UID 1000 the owner of the database files since the container no longer runs as root, and changed the port to 8080 and pulled mlapaglia/openalprwebhookprocessor:v5.2.0
I can see it doing something
But, I get no WebUI yet and no container logs, so something else must be wrong on my setup
I am very tempted to just deploy net new, but I'd hate to lose all that history!
Upgraded solution to align with Microsoft's new frontend pattern. All endpoints have /api prefixed on them, you will need to change your agent to post the webhooks to /api/webhook instead of /webho...
Upgraded solution to align with Microsoft's new frontend pattern. All endpoints have /api prefixed on them, you will need to change your agent to post the webhooks to /api/webhook instead of /webho...
Upgraded solution to align with Microsoft's new frontend pattern. All endpoints have /api prefixed on them, you will need to change your agent to post the webhooks to /api/webhook instead of /webho...
For the people who are incompetent (me) can you clarify exactly where the api is entered (assuming api key from Rekor) - is this under 'Endpoint Url' and before usual IP address, my webhook test is currently passing OK. Apologise in advance, I have been staring at this stuff so much my head is a total blur.
Also, promise I will post a guide for idiots who are using Windows Docker after I get this working!
Massive thank you, I could not see the wood for the trees, I have plates getting logged on latest release at last!! so many hours wasted, really should have read those notes for latest version - not sure how I missed the /api info! Oddly enough I still get spinning wheel with 'checking' under settings > Openalpr agent, doesn't give me a green connected symbol. Also showing duplicate plates but I will get that sorted I checked ownership of the DB files in config folder and they are fine, not sure about the comment regarding that?!?
Next stage for me is whether I move the existing database file onto the new system, I am assuming this is a simple 'drag and drop' then let the conversion begin since my previous release was from around 2022 similar to yours. Will dig around for info on that and tackle tomorrow maybe, I think enough Alpr for one day.
Curious to know what quality most people are running into Rekor feed, I had been using 720p to keep size down and low bit rate, thinking maybe just bite the bullet and put it up to 1080 and 4096kb, the 720p quality isn't great when reviewing.
Curious to know what quality most people are running into Rekor feed, I had been using 720p to keep size down and low bit rate, thinking maybe just bite the bullet and put it up to 1080 and 4096kb, the 720p quality isn't great when reviewing.
I feel like 1080p should be minimum really, my 720 images are OK but not much good if you wanted to pull up detail months later. Honestly the historical database is so good if something really happens and you need to go back, I'm running 15fps at the moment on Substream 2 @1080p, my actual ALPR feed to Blue Iris is full resolution and bit rate but only 15fps, I have if almost facing oncoming traffic so that is plenty. I figured substream 2 would give me more control independently but also thought the main stream would be pushing size of the DB file.
Just did some quick tests, 720p image roughly around 250kb and 1080p images around 500kb, I guess quality is more important than saving space, same as CCTV output, quite a difference though. Files were saved direct from Alpr side to check sizes. I might be inclined to test some at 720p H264 max 4096kb tomorrow, they come out around 275kb but detail seems good.
Welp, we're on day 2 of running with 1 core at 100% I guess doing the database upgrade, but the processor.db-wal grew to the size of my current database, which I figured would be the end of it. I wake up to my processor.db being triple the size it was, and its used 100% disk space on the VM...
Its still using 100% of one core, but I figure it can't really be doing much with no disk space left
I guess I need to restore the snapshot and go back to the old version and try again. Does anyone know how much the database will increase in size? I had plenty of disk space, I just never figured it would use this much
Another question, if I power down the server, add more disk space, power back on, will the database actions continue where they left off, or did I just waste 2 days?
Another question, if I power down the server, add more disk space, power back on, will the database actions continue where they left off, or did I just waste 2 days?