Peewee Postal Pirate: Help me get better video

Works as it should. If you manually choose profile to night, that changes all setting to that profile, no matter the time of day.
How else would you see the affect your settings are making.

In the daytime, setup day, after dark set up night. Don't over think it. ;)
When you choose Night on the camera settings page to make changes, the camera switches to Night mode. You are seeing the changes you are making to the chosen profile.
If you were to save your Night settings (and assuming its still light outside) and exit that page, the camera will go back to Day by itself.

I didnt see Looney's post. Sorry
Thanks guys. I was apparently over thinking it. Occupational hazard I guess.

Interesting observation: in profile management set to Normal, I can Go into the Day/Night settings and choose sensitivity and delay and such. If instead my Profile Management is set to Day/Night, the settings are greyed out.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Yep I noticed that too.
Day/Night. It will figure out the best switch timing itself.
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OK, did some experiments and Day/Night seems to be the appropriate setting as described above. I played with the Night settings (Exposure, brightness...) and tweaked it in. As long as Profile Management was set to DAy/Night, when I exited the Conditions window, it reverted to my Night settings, even after playing with Day settings just for fun.

Normal appears to be a unified "figure it out using just one set of variable conditions without separate day/night specific settings" thing.

More fun will follow over coming days. It's a real balance between exposure time and light capture, for sure.