I was lying down last night watching TV, when the Blue Iris Alert on the phone went off, notifying me that someone was coming down the driveway. I looked up at my live monitor and thought, WTF is this? I have live monitors running UI3 throughout the house, depending on which room I am in. I jumped up and went to the BI console to see what the previous recorded video looked like. It looked like this guy was up to no good. I went outside to confront this character, locked and loaded. I did not find him, but he dropped his coat and backpack next to the sidewalk. I went back inside and called 911. When the Sherriff deputies arrived, they went through his backpack and saw a name inside. They immediately stated that they know this guy and have been trying to catch up with him the last few days. He has been causing disturbances at various businesses throughout the area. They stated that they will keep an eye out for him around here and I went back inside to email them some video of him. While I was exporting video from BI, I looked at my live camera and saw the guy standing at the end of the drive. I grabbed the gun and went outside to see the deputies had already had him under control. He had some mental issues and they hauled him away under the Baker Act. The system I have with Dahua cameras and Blue Iris alerts worked excellent, except still waiting for the final firmware fix for smart IR on the 5442 cameras. May have to upgrade to the interim firmware fix for the time being. All external light is IR, except for center drive, so it is pretty dark out there. It is always very quiet around here, except for the coyotes, racoons and possums. How many times have you heard that?

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