PFA 137 vs PFA 130e

Well I ordered the PFA130-e along with another IPC-HDW5231R-ZE from Andy. Just fitted it and the junction box is perfect. Thought I’d post a few photos of the new camera on the junction box along with a photo of the analogue camera I replaced. I have two more analogues to replace but I might wait to see if a new starlight 4mp varifocal arrives.
Hope the attached photos are useful for somebody else.


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There is a 4Mp varifocal but it’s in bullet format Quite a few here have expressed an interest in a 4Mp varifocal turner but it looks like Duhua have decided not to make it.
Yes that's what I'm hearing. The problem with the fixed focal for me is the size. they're smaller than the varifocal which means they won't look quite as neat as my current install. It's a minor issue I know but I'm a bit OCD when it comes to things like that :rofl:. I might order a fixed 4MP turret next just to see the difference.
Never believe the accessories selector; just ask us here on this forum before buying ;)
The PFA130e mount is the ultimate mount compatible with a wide array of Dahua models

According Dahua accessories selector they're not compatible but if you say so I believe :)

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Well I ordered the PFA130-e along with another IPC-HDW5231R-ZE from Andy. Just fitted it and the junction box is perfect. Thought I’d post a few photos of the new camera on the junction box along with a photo of the analogue camera I replaced. I have two more analogues to replace but I might wait to see if a new starlight 4mp varifocal arrives.
Hope the attached photos are useful for somebody else.
I know this is an old post but curious if you were able to put the big black grommet back into the junction box over the camera cable. My electrician and I can’t seem to push it back in mainly due to cables being in the way in the junction box. Worried about water ingress. We are using an hdw3849 dahua camera with a standard pigtail. Thank you
Depends on the length of the tails and your cable but I had to sort of wind the cables in circular manner within the junction box, simply stuffing the cables in just didn’t work.
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