

Getting the hang of it
Feb 16, 2020
DigiblurDIY posted a video where he uses a HFW5241E-Z12E with a free app called "Plate Minder," which he includes a link to. If it works as shown in his video, seems like it could be viable (and free) alterative to OpenALPR. I purchased and am using an LPR237B-IR to have a stand alone application, but am curious if anyone has heard of or used Plate Minder as it didn't come up in any of my forum searches.
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I saw it to. I'm a security guard and have a lot of cars to keep track of. the first thing i did was load docker and import Plate Minder. I'm using windows with docker everything downloaded and loaded fine I can even launch the local wed interface, I get the rtsp stream loaded without errors and that's where I'm lost. it just does not work i know i must be doing something wrong because im no expert.
I tried it, I can't get it to work it keeps complaining that my rtsp stream does not contain any stream.