Please help a noob out with new router

Ball Sac

Young grasshopper
Dec 19, 2016
Plainfield, IL
Had to get a new router old one finally died after almost 10 years. Just installed it & of course nothing on the cameras Blue Iris PC is working. Im totally lost its been so long since i set this up with your guys help i dont even know where to start. Can anyone help me out with what i need to do or direct me somewhere where its written out already to get me back up & running? Any help will be deeply appreciated!
FYI, you're not really on the right forum, "Blue Iris Troubleshooting" would have been more appropriate.

Forum members will have questions in order to assist you!
  • Do you know if your cams have static IP's and if so, did you write those down?
  • Do you know how to find out the LAN IP of your router?
  • Is this "new router" a cable or DSL modem and router combo or is this "router" actually ONLY a router?
  • What is the make and model number of your "router"?
Look at this below on your BI PC and let us know about your server's settings under "options", "web server".

Sorry about being in the wrong section. Yes cameras have static ip & i do have written down. Yes LAN ip of router Cable router only router Asus AC3100 (RT-AC3100). Under options web server i have but new router is 192.168.1 & all cameras are etc. The .1 & .10 got me screwed upalready.
It's easy to change what network segment or ip address range the new router uses.
The new router is what? You're missing an octet (like AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD).

Please fill in the blanks:
  1. New router IP = ?
  2. Is there a modem or is the above a combo unit? If "yes", then IP = ?
  3. On the BI server, have you configured in it's Windows network settings to have a static IP ? Answer = ?
I am asking because having cams on subnet you listed (192.168.10.XXX) won't display on BI server with the subnet you listed ( !