Known around here
as a newb,,,I saw that BI had AUX1 AUX2 Aux3 listed as landing spots for alternative recording folders.I am leaning towards 2 x 14TB HD's. And let the customer know it would be between 20-30 days of recording. If they want 30day or more, will need a 3rd HD.
How difficult is it to store Blue Iris continous recordings on 2 or even 3 or .... even 4 HD's?
So i created a folder scenario Blue iris/Aux1 -Aux2 Aux3 -Aux4 Aux 5 Aux 6 on the 5TB WD white label drive.
Then i left about 1/2 the Cams recording to "New" on the 8 TB Purp drive.
Soooo....having 14 cams at the time. 1/2 the cams were written to an Aux() folder. like Cam1 to Aux 1, Cam2 to Aux2....
then to "new" on the other cams....
I kept futzing with it....until I was getting a balance that gave about 4-5 weeks per cam.