Possible to have BI sent audio motion detection notification to Alexa ?


Jan 15, 2023
I've googled this and haven't been able to find anything. Is it possible to have blue iris upon a motion alert to have that sent to ones home Amazon Alexa system.

My Eufy door bell does this, Alexa/Echo will say, "motion detected at the doorbell" which is great. Had me thinking if there was a way to get Blue Iris to do the same and say Motion detected at "x" if a motion alert is triggered?

Is this possible ?

I'm doing this in two different ways on two different BI systems. At my mums house, I use Voice Monkey because It's very simple to set up for a simple Alexa announcement that there is motion. "Someone is at the front door" when there is a person at the front of the house/driveway.

On my personal setup at home, I wanted a more complex and ultimately much more customizable setup where I could have many rules/flows from different cameras that trigger different announcements along with turning lights on/off for set times and other fun stuff. For that, I've got Home Assistant running with a few add-ons installed. MQTT, NodeRed, Alex MeidaPlayer to name a few.

I send all the information I want from BI to Home Assistant using different MQTT using triggers from my motion alerts, I include things like camera name, alert image, what was detected (person/car/dog etc) the AI confidence %, current trigger state etc - I then process those MQTT messages with a mix of standard HA automations and for more complex rules Node Red handle them. Depending on my rules/processing, both HA and Node Red have the ability to send custom text and/or sound to Alexa to perform announcements to one or multiple Echo's in my home. I have some rules that also display the alert images on my Alex Show and Google Nest Hub. The sky is the limit, really. - Worth adding, this is all performed on my local network, nothing in this flow needs Internet/Cloud services.
Take a look at the Alexa skill: Voice Monkey. Enables you to trigger an announcement notification via an http request. You can also trigger routines and other various functions too.

Thanks for the heads up.. I'm well excited about this and am yet to try but my BI system reset itself after I re-imported the .reg file and I'm a bit stuck in evaluation mode which is bonkers... Just wanted to ask, is Voice Monkey free for this purpose or do you have to subscribe to the pro version to get Alexa to announce alerts? Thanks for the response.
I'm doing this in two different ways on two different BI systems. At my mums house, I use Voice Monkey because It's very simple to set up for a simple Alexa announcement that there is motion. "Someone is at the front door" when there is a person at the front of the house/driveway.

On my personal setup at home, I wanted a more complex and ultimately much more customizable setup where I could have many rules/flows from different cameras that trigger different announcements along with turning lights on/off for set times and other fun stuff. For that, I've got Home Assistant running with a few add-ons installed. MQTT, NodeRed, Alex MeidaPlayer to name a few.

I send all the information I want from BI to Home Assistant using different MQTT using triggers from my motion alerts, I include things like camera name, alert image, what was detected (person/car/dog etc) the AI confidence %, current trigger state etc - I then process those MQTT messages with a mix of standard HA automations and for more complex rules Node Red handle them. Depending on my rules/processing, both HA and Node Red have the ability to send custom text and/or sound to Alexa to perform announcements to one or multiple Echo's in my home. I have some rules that also display the alert images on my Alex Show and Google Nest Hub. The sky is the limit, really. - Worth adding, this is all performed on my local network, nothing in this flow needs Internet/Cloud services.

Thank you very much for all this information. It's a bit over my head but I wanted to ask, is this home assistant a google thing or an Alexa skill? Also how much does it cost and where can I find information on how to set something like this up. You've got me thinking me now, maybe I could use something like this to provide alert to Alexa and have one of my smart light bulbs which is in my periphery blink or something.. Thanks for info and appreciate the assistance.
The free tier of Voicemonkey is enough to do this.

Home Assistant is great and free but a very deep rabbit hole and way more involved. Search for Home Assistant and you'll find lots of information. At the point that you want to do more with home automation it's very much worth looking at.
The free tier of Voicemonkey is enough to do this.

Home Assistant is great and free but a very deep rabbit hole and way more involved. Search for Home Assistant and you'll find lots of information. At the point that you want to do more with home automation it's very much worth looking at.

Thank you for the prompt response. At present, I am quite interested in exploring Voice Monkey as it may be all I need for now. However, I certainly appreciate your recommendation regarding Home Assistant and will definitely consider delving into it for more advanced home automation solutions in the future. I will look into it .. Thank you very much :)
Home Assistant is a very very deep rabbit hole and is very addictive, you start off with a few smart lights, and before you know it you have a whole smart home, lighting, heating, sensors, CCTV feeds, automation routines, hottub control, vacuum cleaner my list goes on and on and smart control displays all over the house.
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