possible to store a few days of all video, not just clips ?


Mar 9, 2019
I have blue iris running on a 256gb ssd
but I also have 2 hard drives at 8tb each
can I have it record all video for 5 cameras for at least a day or 2 ?
or does it just store clips when something triggers it ?
Yes, you simply tell it to record to the HDD as continuous or cont+triggers and tell it for how long you want it to store - it is a whichever comes first - number of days or amount of storage.
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Set the cameras to record continuous. The triggers will still record but the continuous will record between the triggers. If I remember correctly, cont+triggers will record the substream then the main stream for triggers. Continuous will record all the main stream. I have 7 cameras with their main stream recording continuous to a 10tb purple drive and I have footage back to Dec 8.
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BI will default to writing to NEW folder. Don't change the name. Set the storage drive to about 80% of its capacity and select DELETE. No need to move to STORED as that would be redundant unless you have a NAS.
Here is an example of 80% on a 10TB drive.