Prayers Welcomed


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
The Swamp
So Mom had a massive stroke yesterday. Talked with her about 10;30 am and she was having pain in her neck, and still a bit blah from effects of the 2nd Wuflu jab last Tuesday. Otherwise she was normal. Very active self sufficient 83yo

Neighbor took her pie at noon and she was fine. I tried to call at 6:30 and couldn’t get her. Called neighbors who found her on floor.

Prognosis not good. Gonna be a long haul.

If you have any extra room in your prayers, they’d be much appreciated.
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Thoughts, prayers and the best vibes coming to you.
I pray God's Healing Hands be upon her. I pray for peace and comfort...
Praying for her speedy recovery
Thx guys. It means a lot.

Just took a break from morning shift and she got movement back in her left side, even got her sitting up in chair. Still slurring speech, short sentences but able to communicate and knows what’s going on, who everyone is, where she’s at. Still a lot of issues, but last night she was all but comatose.

You guys are good at this;) Thank you for the positive thoughts and prayers.
Brother, I'm praying for your mom, for you and your are numerous others on this forum.