Prayers Welcomed

So Mom had a massive stroke yesterday. Talked with her about 10;30 am and she was having pain in her neck, and still a bit blah from effects of the 2nd Wuflu jab last Tuesday. Otherwise she was normal. Very active self sufficient 82yo

Neighbor took her pie at noon and she was fine. I tried to call at 6:30 and couldn’t get her. Called neighbors who found her on floor.

Prognosis not good. Gonna be a long haul.

If you have any extra room in your prayers, they’d be much appreciated.
I do
Man that sucks, really great she has good neighbors though
Thanks to all who have inquired. I'm so appreciative and felt like I should post an update.

Mom's coming along, slow but good progress. Initially we thought she’d remain paralyzed, until she stood up the next day !

She’s weak, slurs speech a bit but not so you can’t understand her. Left side still weak but can raise arm and leg and stand and shuffle with some support. Knows who she is, who everyone is, where she is, what happened last week, what day/month it is, and what she had planned this week.
Can converse, but she keeps things brief. She tells me each morning what tests are planned for the day.
She was previously a very active social person and a talker, truly 83 going on 30 something. She loves to entertain and her house is Friday night party central!

Has her moments, like when she asked me to take her out to the sun room porch today, thought she was at home.

Biggest problem is swallowing. Docs and I both think she can physically, but has to re-learn how. If not for that she’d be at 2 week rehab already. Hopefully next week

Going to be a long haul, I’ll be moving in with her to care for her. My wife and I had planned on that in 3 years anyway, timing just got moved up. You do what you have to do, and we’ll, she’s my mom. I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s been a caregiver all her life. First my brother with muscular dystrophy who passed at 15, then her mother, then my Dad.

Anyway, I’m fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home and make a good living, a very understanding boss, and a fantastic (and still very hot) supporting wife. We’ll be fine.

I can’t thank you and the guys in the forum enough for your prayers and concern. This place and my imaginary forum friends and banter help keep things in perspective and provide much needed mental therapy. Thank you all from the bottom of my mean old domestic terrorist heart ;)

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Very happy to hear things are improving for your Mom. Making sure she's OK and taken care of can be a big project, been there done that too. Thanks so much for posting the update and those thoughts, prayers and good vibes have been a regular thing and will continue to be sent your way for all involved.
Thanks to all who have inquired. I'm so appreciative and felt like I should post an update.

Mom's coming along, slow but good progress. Initially we thought she’d remain paralyzed, until she stood up the next day !

She’s weak, slurs speech a bit but not so you can’t understand her. Left side still weak but can raise arm and leg and stand and shuffle with some support. Knows who she is, who everyone is, where she is, what happened last week, what day/month it is, and what she had planned this week.
Can converse, but she keeps things brief. She tells me each morning what tests are planned for the day.
She was previously a very active social person and a talker, truly 83 going on 30 something. She loves to entertain and her house is Friday night party central!

Has her moments, like when she asked me to take her out to the sun room porch today, thought she was at home.

Biggest problem is swallowing. Docs and I both think she can physically, but has to re-learn how. If not for that she’d be at 2 week rehab already. Hopefully next week

Going to be a long haul, I’ll be moving in with her to care for her. My wife and I had planned on that in 3 years anyway, timing just got moved up. You do what you have to do, and we’ll, she’s my mom. I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s been a caregiver all her life. First my brother with muscular dystrophy who passed at 15, then her mother, then my Dad.

Anyway, I’m fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home and make a good living, a very understanding boss, and a fantastic (and still very hot) supporting wife. We’ll be fine.

I can’t thank you and the guys in the forum enough for your prayers and concern. This place and my imaginary forum friends and banter help keep things in perspective and provide much needed mental therapy. Thank you all from the bottom of my mean old domestic terrorist heart ;)

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Thank You Jesus...So glad to hear the good news.

I had a stroke myself almost a decade ago. I was blessed, it was a minor stroke. One thing I can say is it got me closer to God, at the time I did not understand it, but now I am thankful I went through the ordeal. It slowed me down, put my life in perspective, brought me closer to my family, etc. God works in mysterious ways, we hardly ever understand at the time it happens but the answer to why does and will come to light in time. It is so great that God has given you time to take care of your Mom, to give back to her what she has given you.

Life is so Awesome, to change the subject a bit. Being able to watch my wife with our grandson has brought our daughter, his mother, great joy, she is witnessing how her Mom, my wife, cared for her in her infancy through her own son. One day she will be caring for her Mom, my wife. The Beautiful Circle of Life.

Thank you for sharing/updating us all. God Bless you, your Mom and ya'lls family...
Glad things are looking up. She is a real fighter. Still have you and her in our prayers.
Glad to hear it. Appreciate everyday with her.

My dad is 97, and has been very active until the past year, he has gotten weak to the point he has trouble standing from a seated position, and walking. Yet he still gets out and mows 1.5 acres with a zero turn mower. Once a week. And cares for my 95 yr old step-mom. Both still living at home.
Has gotten to the point he has trouble operating the TV, and common minor repairs, doesn't understand why he can't do everything now he was capable of doing 20 yrs ago. But can still tell you stories from his childhood, and the stories are basically the same as I've heard my entire life. Or tell you about articles that he's read in National Geographic for hours on end.

I live 100 miles from him, so have been doing lots of traveling back and forth the past several months, usually to do minor things around the house for them that they have become confused with.

Getting old sucks, I highly recommend avoiding it at all costs. ;)

Best wishes for your mom @bigredfish .
Thanks to all who have inquired. I'm so appreciative and felt like I should post an update.

Mom's coming along, slow but good progress. Initially we thought she’d remain paralyzed, until she stood up the next day !

She’s weak, slurs speech a bit but not so you can’t understand her. Left side still weak but can raise arm and leg and stand and shuffle with some support. Knows who she is, who everyone is, where she is, what happened last week, what day/month it is, and what she had planned this week.
Can converse, but she keeps things brief. She tells me each morning what tests are planned for the day.
She was previously a very active social person and a talker, truly 83 going on 30 something. She loves to entertain and her house is Friday night party central!

Has her moments, like when she asked me to take her out to the sun room porch today, thought she was at home.

Biggest problem is swallowing. Docs and I both think she can physically, but has to re-learn how. If not for that she’d be at 2 week rehab already. Hopefully next week

Going to be a long haul, I’ll be moving in with her to care for her. My wife and I had planned on that in 3 years anyway, timing just got moved up. You do what you have to do, and we’ll, she’s my mom. I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s been a caregiver all her life. First my brother with muscular dystrophy who passed at 15, then her mother, then my Dad.

Anyway, I’m fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home and make a good living, a very understanding boss, and a fantastic (and still very hot) supporting wife. We’ll be fine.

I can’t thank you and the guys in the forum enough for your prayers and concern. This place and my imaginary forum friends and banter help keep things in perspective and provide much needed mental therapy. Thank you all from the bottom of my mean old domestic terrorist heart ;)

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She is in my daily prayers
Glad to hear it. Appreciate everyday with her.

My dad is 97, and has been very active until the past year, he has gotten weak to the point he has trouble standing from a seated position, and walking. Yet he still gets out and mows 1.5 acres with a zero turn mower. Once a week. And cares for my 95 yr old step-mom. Both still living at home.
Has gotten to the point he has trouble operating the TV, and common minor repairs, doesn't understand why he can't do everything now he was capable of doing 20 yrs ago. But can still tell you stories from his childhood, and the stories are basically the same as I've heard my entire life. Or tell you about articles that he's read in National Geographic for hours on end.

I live 100 miles from him, so have been doing lots of traveling back and forth the past several months, usually to do minor things around the house for them that they have become confused with.

Getting old sucks, I highly recommend avoiding it at all costs. ;)

Best wishes for your mom @bigredfish .
I am up in the age, it is getting harder to get around and I try daily to do the things I use to do. Enjoy the stories as if this is the first time you heard them and the fact that they are getting older. My prayers be with them.