Pre trigger recording and sensitivity


Young grasshopper
Oct 16, 2017
This may be a long winded question. I am curious what may be best practice to capture recording. I have been using BI for seven years now. At this point I’m fine tuning.

First, we have trigger settings. Setting the Min-Max object size and trigger duration will set the trigger. I have this setup depending on the cameras environment and my needs to capture for the specific scene.

Second, we have recording buffer time and pre trigger record time. These settings help capture prior to the trigger. I have these set at 10-20 seconds for most cameras.

I believe the settings in these two areas work together. Adjusting the sensitivity too high will cause more recording than needed. Capturing more pre-trigger record time appears to be cpu and hard drive intensive. I have increased buffer time but I believe that bogs the system down. What balance do you all find works?

I have included pictures of settings on one of my cameras as example. I have been messing with all of these settings and can’t seem to find a sweet spot.

Note, I started using AI to help limit recording things that aren’t needed.

PC Specs
64gb Ram
NVidia 4070
Samsung 990Pro for OS/ BI
WD Purple HDs for storage
38 Bolide Cameras


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