problem with BI ? or 5442 cams


Getting the hang of it
Nov 28, 2017
so this morning i go out to drop off the kids. the doorbell camera through BI throws me an alert for coming and going
my 2 cameras on driveway give no alerts at all, when i play back the camera it shows the cameras tracking me with the rectangles, i dont understand why it did not throw me the alerts
i have it set up via MOTION so i could not get the AI to work
Need much more info for anyone to help you. Post up screenshots of your trigger, motion, and alerts settings dialog boxes.
So you are not using the AI of the camera and instead using BI motion?
yes i tried to use the AI but i could not get it to work
i was told the AI is amazing but o tried all the steps you did and couldnt get it to go
Go into the camera and set up smart plan with IVS, then go to the IVS screen and draw IVS rules (tripwire or intrusion box) and then select the AI you want it to trigger on (human or vehicle).

Then in BI, there are a few places you need to set this up in BI (assuming you already set up the IVS rules in the camera GUI):

In Camera configure setting check the box "Get ONVIF triggers".

Hit Find/Inspect on the camera setting to pull the coding for the triggers.

Go into Motion Setting and select the "Cameras digital input" box.

On the Alerts tab uncheck the Motions Zones tab (those are alerting you to any BI motion in those areas in Zones A thru H)

On the alerts tab set up how to be notified.
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