Known around here
As our beloved Arjun likes to quote of President Trump…
“Everything Woke Turns To Shit!”

“Everything Woke Turns To Shit!”

I wouldn’t put it past this one, “she” “Bonnie” probably has a penis too.This is one of the clearest demonstrations that the woke generation are total idiots. She thinks she can over ride tens of thousands of years of genetic inheritance that dogs are meat eaters, that's why they have such pronounced canines.
This is one of the clearest demonstrations that the woke generation are total idiots. She thinks she can over ride tens of thousands of years of genetic inheritance that dogs are meat eaters, that's why they have such pronounced canines.
###(Techno Fog)
IG Horowitz discovers more FBI abuses of FISA process
QUOTE: DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a new report on the FBI's "Execution of its Woods Procedures for Applications Filed with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Relating to US Persons." It's damning for the FBI.
Last year, IG Horowitz reviewed 29 random FISA applications. He found "that the FBI was not meeting the expectations of its own protocols."
Knowing the history of the FISA Court excusing government misconduct, we present the same question now that we did after the Clinesmith sentencing: What does it say about the FISA Court's "heightened duty of candor" if there aren't heightened punishments for violating that duty?
And we have one final question - one that has applied to Director Wray for the last few years: how could the FBI Director allow these abuses to continue?
Think about what Grassley is saying: he can't get the FBI to meet with him about a briefing the FBI gave him!"I've asked Director Wray several times to meet with me relating to a very troubling briefing that I received in August 2020 from the FBI and which was later weaponized against my and Senator Johnson's oversight. Director Wray and his staff have ignored my request to meet."
On August 6, 2020, we received a briefing from the FBI which, according to the FBI, was done in conjunction with the Intelligence Community (IC). This briefing was done because of political pressure from Democratic Leadership, not because of any real threat.
We have asked to meet with FBI Director Christopher Wray to discuss our concerns and have requested records relating to the briefing; however, he and his Chief of Staff, Corey Ellis, have refused to answer our communications and have failed to provide any answers or information.
Why did the FBI do a phony briefing for Grassley and Johnson?FBI leadership's failure to respond to congressional inquiries not only undermines the FBI as an institution, it also undermines the work of its dedicated agents and staff.
So Schumer, Warner, Pelosi and Schiff were trying to slow down Grassley and Johnson's "joint investigations into the Biden family's foreign financial deals."On July 13, 2020, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Mark Warner, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Representative Adam Schiff sent a letter, with a classified attachment, to the FBI to express a purported belief that Congress was the subject of a foreign disinformation campaign.
In that letter, which was publicly released on July 20, 2020, they requested a briefing on foreign efforts to interfere in the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The classified attachment included unclassified elements that, among other things, attempted — and failed — to tie our joint investigation into the Biden family's foreign financial deals to foreign disinformation.
Senator Grassley, and Senator Ron Johnson discovered text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and also found out that disgraced agent Peter Strzok was the one behind the briefings that they got from the FBI in 2019.Then, on May 1, 2021, the Washington Post reported on "an extensive effort by the [FBI] to alert members of Congress...that they faced a risk of being used to further Russia's attempt to influence the election's outcome[.]"
This statement was attributed to "several current and former U.S. officials" who remained anonymous "because the matter remains highly sensitive."
The article then inaccurately proceeded to link Russian disinformation attempts to our investigation, which was based on Obama administration government records and records that showed extensive financial connections between the Biden family and questionable foreign nationals, including individuals connected to the communist Chinese government's military and intelligence services.
The Washington Post reporting purported to be based, in part, on an August 6, 2020, briefing that we received from the FBI, which, as the timeline above illustrates, happened in response to pressure from Democratic Leadership. The briefing was not specific. Moreover, it consisted primarily of information that we already knew and information unconnected to our investigation.
We made clear to the FBI briefers on August 6, 2020, that the briefing was not relevant to the substance of our work.
We also made clear our concern that the briefing would be subject to a leak that would shed a false light on the focus of our investigation. Indeed, the Washington Post article did exactly that and so did the other inaccurate media articles.
During your review of Crossfire Hurricane, you identified that counterintelligence briefings for Trump campaign officials were used by the FBI as intelligence gathering operations, concerns that we raised with the Justice Department on April 25, 2019, after we discovered text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Specifically, Peter Strzok was primarily responsible for assisting the FBI agent that would be at those briefings.
In response to your findings, Director Wray established new protocols for these transition briefings to keep potential political considerations out of the decision-making process. Specifically, Director Wray noted that these briefings "should be for national security purposes and not for investigative purposes."
Director Wray further noted that the new FBI protocols "will complement procedures already implemented by the FBI earlier this year to govern the separate category of defensive briefings." Based on the FBI's conduct leading up to and including the August 6, 2020, briefing it appears that the FBI's new briefing protocols are insufficient.
Of course those that objected to him are angels as painted by the democrats MSM...Only in commifornia. Get out while you can!
Just boggles the mind.
Professor sues UCLA after refusing to grade Black students more leniently than peers
An accounting professor at UCLA said he filed a lawsuit against the school after it put him on leave and allegedly threatened to fire him for not grading Black student’s more leniently than White peers.www.foxnews.com
Kline said:"It was around that time that I started to receive death threats on voicemail and email. One email, dated June 11, read: ‘You are a typical bigoted, prejudiced and racist dirty, filthy, crooked, arrogant Jew k--e mother f--ker! Too bad Hitler and the Nazis are not around to give you a much needed Zyklon B shower,’" Klein wrote.
Tell me about it...Can't call it the master bedroom when you put your house up for sale...
'Master bedroom' language nixed from Cincinnati listings
Some fair-housing advocates argue the language for a home's primary bedroom and bathroom carries an uncomfortable racial connotation.www.inman.com
Can't call it the master bedroom when you put your house up for sale...
'Master bedroom' language nixed from Cincinnati listings
Some fair-housing advocates argue the language for a home's primary bedroom and bathroom carries an uncomfortable racial connotation.www.inman.com
Western Digital is Racist!!!
I reckon it's a good thing SATA is predominant these days instead of the old IDE / PATA !Western Digital is Racist!!!