Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

I'm old enough to remember the Carter white house. I thought they were like the Beverly Hillbillies in the white house but they looked elegant compared to the Biden white house.
The Bidumb crime family is trailer trash.
There are thousands of rednecks with far better character.
I was a SAC child AKA. "Air force Brat"in the 50s and 60s. I learned real early about those people. Johnson
and his "I come here tonight with a heavy heart. BLA BLA So that is why I am calling another
500,000 boys tonight for Viet Nam". Detested all of the Kennedys.

Democrats and endless wars and lies.
I never bought their ice cream because it was expensive compared to alternatives. I heard at one time it was the best ice cream but then the competitors caught up and at the same time B&J's cost reduced it making it less tasty. Personally, I do Blue Bell when I feel like being a fatty.

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So, if a movie is made based on a true story to help children...IT MUST BE BAD, PRO CHRISTIANITY, AND ANTI-FREEDOM! I don't know shit about QAnon, but I damn well know that child trafficking is a BIG THING and needs to be destroyed!

Well it looks like Zucks copy of Twitter is about as expected, pure liberal censored trash….CT should love the lunatic echo chamber.

Love the comments :lmao: :lmao:

“Just be patient with Threads. The government will tell Mark Zuckerberg what can be posted and then he will let you know. These things take time. Just be thankful you don’t have to still pretend the laptop was Russian or the virus came from a pangolin.”