You had a budget.
It is simple LOL do not chase MP - do not buy a 4MP camera that is anything smaller than a 1/1.8" sensor. Do not buy a 2MP camera that is anything smaller than a 1/2.8" sensor. Do not buy a 4K (8MP) camera on anything smaller than a 1/1.2" sensor.
Unfortunately, most 4k (8MP) cams are on the same sensor as a 2MP and thus the 2MP will kick its butt all night long as the 4k will need 4 times the light than the 2MP... 4k will do very poor at night unless you have stadium quality lighting (well a lot of lighting LOL).
There is no 5MP camera out there on the right MP/sensor ratio.
An 4MP on a 1/1.8" sensor is going to be double the amount of this PTZ.
An 8MP on the 1/1.2" sensor, if you can even find one, will be at minimum triple your budget...
When optically zoomed in, this 2MP PTZ is still a top performer.
Sure you may find some no-name autotracking PTZ on Aliexpress that costs less, but you get what you pay for.
Do a search here for folks that tried the cheaper route...after 3 or 4 returns because the $200USD ali special didn't work, they simply went ahead and got a real one!