PWA - hide address bar?


Getting the hang of it
Aug 11, 2023
los angeles

I have a Lenovo tablet and I’m trying to add the ui3 to my home screen as a PWA. However, whenever I click the icon on my Home Screen it launches a webpage with the address bar visible. How do I make it launch like any other app without an address bar? Can’t figure this out to save the life of me…thanks
The address bar is showing because web browsers these days are becoming increasingly hostile to websites that do not use HTTPS. So they force the address bar to be shown in order to better expose the fact that your connection is not encrypted and the server's identity is not verified.

If you want to get rid of the address bar I think you have no choice but to set up a reverse proxy server to provide an HTTPS connection to Blue Iris.

There have to be at least a dozen different solutions for running a reverse proxy server to handle TLS (HTTPS), but almost all of them require you to manually edit configuration files. I personally find that painful and ridiculous in this era where GUI programs have been the norm for about 3 decades. As such, I've created a reverse proxy server with a configuration GUI with the goal that you would never need to open a configuration file. You are free to try it if you are so inclined: WebProxy: GUI-based alternative to stunnel

The biggest challenge with any HTTPS reverse proxy server is is dealing with the TLS/SSL certificate. You really have two choices for that; either you deal with validation requirements and frequent renewals for a certificate from LetsEncrypt or some paid certificate authority, or you create a self-signed certificate (which can expire whenever you want -- e.g. 500 years from now), and then you get warnings every time you connect unless you make each client device trust the certificate.
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Tried to get it working, but it doesnt work. I also cant login to the admin console anymore to make changes...sorry but can you help me out?

There are quite a lot of details that need to be gotten exactly right, so it can be tricky. Based on your log I see that you disabled the unencrypted HTTP protocol for the admin console, so you would need to use the link (from a browser running on the same system as the WebProxy program) and proceed past the certificate warning in order to get into the admin console again.

Then if you wanted to share screenshots if your configuration I would be happy to help. In particular you'd need screenshots of the Entrypoint you set up, the Exitpoint, the Proxy Route, and a screenshot of the dashboard. Some of the information in those may not be something you want publicly viewable on the internet (such as the domain name if you happen to be trying to use one that is publicly accessible) so you can send screenshots to me in a private message if so.

If you want to start over you can always just stop the service, delete Settings.json out of the data folder, and start the service again.
On Chrome, you can launch ui3 by issuing this command:

"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-fullscreen

Replace the ip address with the address of your web server.