Quality drop on movement

You might also try to fix that by after finishing all the configuration make the NVR connect to the cameras with a non-administrator account :)

Ahh yes, I did try this. But for some reason it would not record. I gave up on it after failing to get it right for a few days. All I did was add a non-administrator account on the camera and then in the NVR go to the cameras and edit it to connect with the new user/pass. If it's something that is a known work around for this issue I'll persist with that a little more but I thought it was just another thing that was just not quite right. Have you been able to get the NVR to record when using a non-admin user Securame? It was odd because from memory, I could still see live view... so the video feed was available. It would not record on motion/event though.
Ahh yes, I did try this. But for some reason it would not record. I gave up on it after failing to get it right for a few days. All I did was add a non-administrator account on the camera and then in the NVR go to the cameras and edit it to connect with the new user/pass. If it's something that is a known work around for this issue I'll persist with that a little more but I thought it was just another thing that was just not quite right. Have you been able to get the NVR to record when using a non-admin user Securame? It was odd because from memory, I could still see live view... so the video feed was available. It would not record on motion/event though.

No, I have never tried it, but I thought it was worth a shot.
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I don't know about things changing when the NVR reboots because I haven't rebooted it since tweaking settings. I have learned, however, with the settings that are available on the NVR and/or PC client:
- Change setting directly on the camera.
- Change it to the same thing on the NVR.
- Check that it hasn't changed on the camera, fix if needed.
- Check setting on the PC client, change to match if needed.

...And round and round until they all say the same thing, and it stays that way for a while. I haven't figured out which setting location has priority, or how they interact with one-another.