Quantum Computing - RIP Moore's Law


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
Moores law?!
I doubt that Murphy's Law will ever die, be thwarted, or repealed. As mankind gets dumber and dumber we will, if anything, get bit by it more and more. Moore's law is strictly about transistor count. Does this quantum chip have a breakthrough transistor count? I really don't know but have thought it's more about the type of devices, and less about the count.
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Not sure what I was thinking, RIP Moore's Law
I've always disliked Moore's Law because it wasn't a "law" in any sense, but ended up being something that the semiconductor companies chased to their own detriment-- the more they went after it, the less they could charge for their products. Nothing like shooting yourself in the foot as an industry (as if there aren't enough issues there already)...