Question about POE cameras not on the same network as the computer


Young grasshopper
Sep 10, 2017
Question. I'm upgrading the Blue Iris software and at the same time installing some cameras at a second home. The cameras are Dahua IP cams. Is it possible to use the computer in one state and import the cameras from a home or location in another state? My thought is no, but if its possible I'd like to try it so i have everything on one BI setup. If its possible just point me in the direction of learning how and I can figure it out when I set up. If not I suppose I need another computer with BI and an HD...?
possible, yes.
a good idea, probably not.

a few quick thoughts....
1st the remote site with the cameras will need a solid, fast, unthrottled internet connection to upload camera streams continuously.
2nd the remote site will need an always on VPN to the home site.
3rd routes will need to be added between the two sites (and if they should be no overlapping IP addresses)

For reliability and ease of setup/use I would go with two BI PCs and use UI3 interface with VPN for when you want to view the other location.
possible, yes.
a good idea, probably not.

a few quick thoughts....
1st the remote site with the cameras will need a solid, fast, unthrottled internet connection to upload camera streams continuously.
2nd the remote site will need an always on VPN to the home site.
3rd routes will need to be added between the two sites (and if they should be no overlapping IP addresses)

For reliability and ease of setup/use I would go with two BI PCs and use UI3 interface with VPN for when you want to view the other location.
exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much!
Would be pretty cool if BI had a "Connector" feature where you could aggregate several installs into one feeder location