Reading RS232 give's unknow text


Nov 19, 2021

I want to reset the admin user on my Dahua recorder using the rs232 port.
I connected my laptop to the rs232 port and using NCOM to read the boot proces when the recorder is starting up.

But it give's unknow symbols.

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I can't make sense of it.
Could be the terminal emulation type too. I'm not sure what the NVR's call for off-hand.
Are you using 115200 for baudrate and 8,N,1 ( 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) and no flow control?
I connected my laptop to the rs232 port
To the back panel of the (unspecified) NVR?
Unusual to have an RS232 interface on a laptop.

Or to the serial console on the main board?
Which would be a TTL serial interface., not RS232.

What type of interface are you using on the laptop?
I used NCOM and Putty.

The setting i used are:
baudrate: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600.
8 Databits
1 stopbit
No flow control

The character set is: UTF-8

The recorders model DHI-NVR4104-P-4KS2-UK

My laptop has an serial interface (DB-9) connector.
I connect it to the motherboard of the recorder, using a DB-9 connector to JST-4 connector
The recorder needs serial TTL, not RS232.
These have different signal types.
You need a USB to serial TTL converter such as a PL2303TA based device or similar.
Its working know.

It was indeed TTL.
I used Putty and a USB to TTL converter.

Then you can read the system/bootloader.
From here you can default the recorder.

When you use a converter such as a PL2303TA based device or similar.
U need an old USB Driver version 3.3 (not higher) because higher isn't supported by windows 8 and higher.

Futher information and download:

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Its working know.
It was indeed TTL.
That's good!

When you use a converter such as a PL2303TA based device or similar.
U need an old USB Driver version 3.3 (not higher) because higher isn't supported by windows 8 and higher.
It sounds like someone sold you a PL2303HX or similar device that only works with the old driver.
The PL2303TA device driver works OK for Win10.