Received my first HIKVision 8 channel HVR and a MiniPTZ cam and an LPR cam. 4 problems: need help please.


Getting the hang of it
May 31, 2021
1. NVR beeps 5 times every minute and we can't turn it off or down;
2. NVR doesn't have any memory storage, do I have to add HDD? Home office small cup de sac with lo and slow traffic what sizes would cover about 30 days before it overwrites?
3. Downloaded BI v5 to my ONN android tablet and the .exe file won't execute.
I am an old reprobate lawyer with a young energetic wife; had two heart surgeries; shoulda been left in a rice paddy in Nam when age 17 Hard of hearing, poor eyesight, partly senile making my 4th attempt to install an LPR camera to secure my home office. Is there someone out there that would help an old, nearly useless Vet who still loves this Blessed country?
Doug Embrey Tulsa
1. NVR beeps because it does not have hard drive installed, so it is not recording.
2. You do have to add HDD if you expect to have recordings. You do not need HDD if you just want live viewing, in which case you can disable the "no HDD" error beep.
3. Blue Iris is for Windows, it will not run on any Android device.
Yep, BI needs to be ran on a windows computer. The BI app for android also will not work unless you have BI running on a computer.
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1. NVR beeps because it does not have hard drive installed, so it is not recording.
2. You do have to add HDD if you expect to have recordings. You do not need HDD if you just want live viewing, in which case you can disable the "no HDD" error beep.
3. Blue Iris is for Windows, it will not run on any Android device.
Thank you, I installed 4T HDD and the beeping stopped and I captured my first readable tags after years of dreaming of an LPR and 4 attempts over the last 2 months. I'm deeply grateful to you, the Moderator, SampleNHolds treatise on LPRs and the rest of your members and the Store.
congrats on the young energetic wife!
My Mother was a Saint, my first wife married me when 19 died after 44 wonderful years and current wife is 30 years my junior and is the smartest country girl I've ever met. One of her many talents is to read and correct college text books for fun. She refers to modern texts as c!oser to comic books. After I retired from trial work and saw divorcing couples wage devastating warfare against each other and their innocent children I realize how blessed I've been by the women in my incredible life! From poverty to Nam when 17 to stints at Harvard, major universities, Aberdeen Proving Grounds and medical research. My young wife rescued me from 50 years of membership in the Demoncrap party and wants me to write a book about the corruption and failure of Mankind's laws, but I just want to protect my neighborhood from car burglaries and other crimes. Because I have had sec cams I have never suffered a crime. Ironically the 3rd LPR system thwarted a breakin the night I installed the system. The companion camera to the LPR camera signalled an attempt to B&E my house after searching many of the neighbors while carrying a 3 foot crowbàr and gloves.
Nice chatting with all you nice folks, but now I need to find out why I don't get the little red Event lines on my playbacks. Regards Doug