Recordings Stutter Randomly


Oct 17, 2014
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First my setup

Blue Iris 3.6
Motion Detection Enabled, Direct to Disk Recording Enabled. All cameras are set to 17fps, fps adjust automatically is disabled, network buffer is 20mb per camera.
Core I3-4130 (Blue Iris Process is around 30% as reported by task manager with total system load of around 33%, blue iris reports 80-85% CPU though for some reason)
4Gb Memory
2TB hard Drive

Cameras (all cameras have a frame rate of 15fps, iframe interval of 15, bitrate of 5120kbps)
1 Hik 2032 Bullet
2 Hik 2332 Turrets

My Hik 2032 covers my front yard area and triggers when people are walking in front of the house. I frequently notice that motion is not fluid. Randomly during a recording the motion will stop for a split second and then pick back up. This happens in the blue iris clip viewer as well as when i export. When I am viewing the cameras using live view on the hikvision's camera directly from Internet Explorer i do not see this, it seems to just happen in blue iris.

I have access to a CATv tester as well and for giggles i tested the CatV cable that connects the PoE switch that feeds three of the cameras to my main switch and the cable tested good.

Is there anything i could be missing, setting somewhere on the camera or blue iris that could make this happen?

Here is a sample Video (watch the construction workers as they walk across the road). -


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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First I'd like to congratulate you on a well written post. You included much information, and the settings indicate that you likely already attempted to fix this on your own. The video is invaluable.

I have two questions for you then... Is BI on 3.66 (the very last 3.x version) or something slightly older? I recommend you update if necessary in case there were important bugfixes. You can get it here:

Second, do you keep Windows up to date? Again, I recommend you do a round of updates if you have been neglecting them.

Anyway, I may be wrong but that video's short stutter may actually be caused by your having set the frame rate higher in Blue Iris than on the camera. I know that it is recommended to set the frame rate this way when dealing with encoding issues in direct to disk mode, but maybe in this case it is doing more harm than good. Maybe you can try again with the frame rate in BI set differently, and see what difference that makes in the recordings. So if having it set to 20 makes the stutter worse, or if having it set to 15 makes the stutter go away, then you might have your solution. Maybe the ideal frame rate is 15.25 or something. You can enter any frame rate you like in the format "15.25 fps" and Blue Iris will know what you meant and calculate that big delay number for you.


Oct 17, 2014
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Thanks for the response. I am running 3.66 (latest 3 version) on Windows Server 2012 Standard (latest windows updates applied).

You are correct the reason i set it above was because of the issues i had when the framerate in blue iris is set to the same (15fps) as the camera and D2D is enabled. Here is a video of that, . I emailed Ken about that a while back and his recommendation was to set the frame rate higher as if it is not , however it does seem to be causing the issue i am seeing now because as you can see in the video above other than the artifact at the beginning the motion is very smooth. I will play around with it some and see if i can find a happy medium. Thanks again.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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To this day I have problems like those that I can't work out, so I just live with them.