Remote Access/Viewing and Integration with Apps Question


Jul 24, 2016
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I've been having issues wrapping my head around the best way to integrate my new system with my home automation. I am also trying to use TinyCam on a few tablets I have around the house and my cell phone. I've went through several tutorials but I'm missing something somewhere.

I have a LaView NVR, which is a rebranded Hikvision. I currently have the virtual host option enabled, and I am able to access the cameras directly when using the IP provided by the NVR. I also have successfully (I think) enabled DDNS using NOIP. When I enter my domain I get directed to the LaView NVR on my network.

After this point however I am lost. I have tried the tutorial to integrate with the VeraLite using the URLs IP/onvif/snapshot and IP/Streaming/channels/1/picture and neither worked. As far as integrating with Tinycam or any other app remotely I'm lost. What am I missing here? Also to get the DDNS to work I had to forward several ports. I however read that you should use other ways for a secure connection. Can anyone A) shed some light on how to view the cameras both via VeraLite and TinyCam and B)point to a more secure way to handle remote access?