The 5442 series is the type of camera. Dahua calls it one set of alphabet and OEM sellers call it something else 5442.
If you buy from @EMPIRETECANDY and the link @sebastiantombs provided, you will get better than you can find from Dahua as Andy has worked with Dahua (in conjunction with members here ) to provide better firmware for that model including Smart IR and SMD 3.0
The TM AS LED means it has little LED lights on it and is full color, but it cannot see infrared, so if you do not have enough light, then you are kinda screwed.
The 8MP Bullet Dahua OEM 5831-ZE that you said is your second choice would be a poor choice as the MP/sensor ratio is not ideal. A 2MP will beat that camera at night.
If you buy from @EMPIRETECANDY and the link @sebastiantombs provided, you will get better than you can find from Dahua as Andy has worked with Dahua (in conjunction with members here ) to provide better firmware for that model including Smart IR and SMD 3.0
The TM AS LED means it has little LED lights on it and is full color, but it cannot see infrared, so if you do not have enough light, then you are kinda screwed.
The 8MP Bullet Dahua OEM 5831-ZE that you said is your second choice would be a poor choice as the MP/sensor ratio is not ideal. A 2MP will beat that camera at night.