They look identical, give Andy a PM and ask. May just be a typo ??Is this cam that's listed in Andy's website - EmpireTech PTZ5A4M-25X 1/1.8 the same as SD5A425GA-HNR ? what is the difference ?
I'm actually trying a new June Beta as well but unfortunately this also has the same issues.
Quick update on the issues I'm seeing and status. Currently in testing this thoroughly there is definitely a limitation due to SOC being used on this cam. Specifically in its impact on processing into h264. When there is a lot of movement including tracking and zoom into a target you'll see a lot of compression artifacting / macro blocking that only clears up once the camera slows down (has less to process on screen) where you will then see it snap back to good quality. I've reported this back to Dahua who are aware and also concluded same thing, SOC limitations causing impact. Since this is not something that can be fixed easily (SOC is SOC) I'm doing extensive testing on how and where it's possible to elevate the pressure on the limited system resources.
Привет! Где взять эту прошивку? DH_SD-Taurus_MultiLang_PN_Stream3-Normal_V2.820.10SA000.0.R.230613
Куда вам отправить её ?
Что то затихла эта тема ?
Что то затихла эта тема ?
Post some pictures and video.slowly learning through the web gui. it seems to be performing well. lots of settings in there, and some unintuitive procedures to perform, because I have to expand on features that are not apparent at first.
I'm using the (3M) video setting for the scene I'm set to, cause I can't unzoom far back enough in the higher resolution.
If set up a scan, I'm getting lots of false events. I'm new to this cam, so I dont kwtf I'm doingbut it's kinda fun.
the firmware in it , is from 9.23.22
Have you tried this firmware that is available from Dahua?
you probably have, and it's still not up to par I take it.
I downloaded it, but not installing till I see more feedback on it.