No, never got it to work.
I upgraded LNB8105X to DH_IPC-HX2X3X-Rhea_MultiLang_NP_Stream2_V2.800.0000016.0.R.200605.bin via TFTP, and then was able to upgrade via GUI to DH_IPC-HX2X3X-Rhea_MultiLang_NP_Stream2_V2.800.0000018.0.R.210707.bin. I did it recently, so not sure how reliable it will be. After upgrade IVS became available, which seems to work fine so far.
>DH_IPC-HX2X3X-Rhea_MultiLang_PN_Stream2_V2.800.0000026.0.R.220822.bin, checked the check.img file and looks like this is on the list.
Thank you for the instructions TXT file @val-ipcam , and also I appreciate you responding, as I was very frustrated and wasted a lot of time.
@exarkun see below
1) I missed the part about having the 2nd IP ( - my mistake here!!!
2) For me there was also the problem of the TFTP that was linked in this topic, this was not working for me. I instead used TFTPServerSP V1.6x (which I've used in the past to get OWRT FW onto some Meraki MR42s). This worked and it's more flexible options wise; I edited the INI file to listen on ALL IPs, although I think you can keep your laptop/desktop connected to your regular network and then configure the INI file to only listen to and (I'm guessing here, but should work).
3) It complained there was not success.txt file at the end after grabbing all the IMG files (I extracted ALL the IMG files from the BIN into the root folder of the TFTP server). Well other than grabbing the IMG files and this complaint at the end, it wasn't very verbose, so I didn't know if I should leave it, or reboot it... I left it, saw there was a green light at the front and when I picked it up the alarm went off AHAHAH, thankfully I was in the basement and didn't wake up anyone.
It kept the same login/password as I had before, but instead a nice DAHUA screen, with working live feed (without downloading some stupid plugins). Info still says it's a LNB8211x, but the rest, as you see below.
View attachment 140473
I used a little 8 port hub I bought more than a decade ago, which I kept as it's very handy for such things. Laptop port plugged into it, camera plugged into it, and I used a 12v DC power supply for the camera (again, from Meraki APs).
What is TFTPServerSP V1.6x ? I'm not finding it with a google search...
Decided to give this another try and following @val-ipcam's previous comment and using TFTPD64 mentioned above, I was just able to successfully flash Dahua firmware into my Lorex LNB8105X using the 2020 firmware. Previously I tried it plugging it directly to a switch with my PC plugged in same switch and it never recognizes the TFTP server. Today, I'm using POE injector plugged into the PC and with tftpd64 running, I did a reset on the camera while it's plugged in and as soon as it restarted, it starts seeing the tftp server and flash went as expected. Thanks for everyone who gave their comments and what they did to get this going. It's been super helpful for those of us who has Lorex cam and wanted to give this a try.
On that note, which firmware are you using for this Lorex equilavent to ipc-hfw1831c-pir-4k? Is the one posted by Andy 2021 stable or are you sticking with the 2020 one?
@exarkun, is that firmware working well for you? I was looking at previous thread to find the download links, but came across others reporting missing "Audio Linkage" with this 220822 firmware version? Currently, I'm on the 210707 firmware with the ipc-hfw1831c-pir and unless I have overlooked something, one flaw I notice is there's no way just to enable PIR detection with light only. If PIR detection is enabled, it would trigger both the light and siren. Are you able to enable PIR with light-only without turn on the siren with this 220822 firmware?