Review-Dahua IPC-K35A 3mp Cube Camera

How did you get $65 shipped?
1-this model no wifi, see the K35S model for wifi version
4-None I came across.

May grab a couple of the WiFi versions to play with while we wait on new house build. When we are done we will have quite a few hardwired cams. Not a WiFi fan but the planned network should easily support a couple of these.
I just got it for $79 fast shipping to US vs. $68 slow 3-4 week shipping. It works well and is my first 2 way talk camera. I do wish it had a slimmer mount as it sticks out on my vertical wall it’s mounted to. If you plan to keep it on a table the mount works real well.
What settings have you guys been using with this camera? I've done something unfortunately where I have extremely grainy night images with it. I'm sure it's something simple like level of noise reduction, etc. but a baseline to work from would be great!
How are you guys configuring these? I cannot get a video feed on mine through the web; it says I need a plug-in. Tiny cam also doesn't work with it. I get a failed connection, check password error. All my other dahuas work, just not the k35a
Use Pale Moon browser. I dumped the stand alone config tool after continued errors. I downloaded Dahua Toolbox, setup a new account and used the config tool app incorporated in toolbox. Up and running in couple of minutes.
Two versions. One is WiFi and Ethernet and power adapter and other is POE only with no adapter.
Is it possible to pull the front casing off of the camera so that it would be easier to paint? The white color would make the camera really stick out when sitting on my dark wood-stained end table.
Is it possible to pull the front casing off of the camera so that it would be easier to paint? The white color would make the camera really stick out when sitting on my dark wood-stained end table.
I do not have one of these K35 units, but it appears to be so very similar to the original Hikvision cube camera. I would look under the model number sticker on the back, there is likely a single screw holding the front and back halves together. Then pry gently around the bottom edge to release the plastic clips, and work your way around the shell. I painted my Hikvision, and the most difficult part was getting into some of the tiny crevices. I used a cotton swab dipped into black paint to get into these.
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VorlonFrog, thanks for that info.
VorlonFrog, thanks for that info.
You're very welcome. If taking it apart is too difficult, you can always use blue painter's tape to cover the lens and microphone and spray it. Just remember to use a spray paint that is specifically suited for plastics.
Darn, I had forgotten that this is only available with a 2.8 lens. I need a POE indoor cam with an 80 deg HFOV. Otherwise I' would've purchased this.
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