Update on my newly installed Speco IR illuminator. Two nights ago, the unit would not turn on when it got dark. I put my finger over the light sensor, and it turned on. So, I put a small piece of tape over most of the sensor and it turned on. It was off when the sun came up the next day. With that problem solved, this thing really "pops" the plates and makes them real easy to read. I had good results with the first one and decided to try one in this location. I am glad I did. Out of maybe 40 cars that went by, I only had one plate I could not read. I think it was a specialty plate that does not reflect IR. There was no front plate.
The LP camera I am using is a Dahua 5442E-Z4E. With this illuminator I can read plates out to around 100 feet. However, I would not recommend this camera for that distance. Maybe 70 feet. At 100 feet the plates are getting pretty small, but the detail is so good that I am still able to read them. I also use a 4K monitor.