Road Rage Dumba$$


Known around here
Oct 20, 2017
Palos Verdes
The intersection at the top of the frame has only ONE left turn lane from 223rd to Western Ave. The BMW attempts a jet sweep around the SUV, but gets pushed out of bounds:

15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct.

Yikes. Question of the day: If you are the SUV driver, what do you do when an enraged woman comes out of the car you collided with, shrieking curses and demanding you open the door? Is it legally acceptable to get away from crazy first or are you supposed to just lock up and call the police while she beats on the car?

Due to the distance it is unclear to me which vehicle was in the correct lane at the start of the turn. Looks kind of like the sedan (BMW you say?) was most likely not in the left turning lane, or was pulling in very late after not checking their blind spot, since I find it hard to believe the SUV would cross the yellow divider in order to make a left turn.

Screenshot 2024-11-12 151252.jpg
Looks to me like the BMW was at fault.
100%. The SUV was in the turn lane. I don't know WTF the BMW was thinking.
It just confirms the idea that everyone needs a dash camera at this point in time. Preferably one that has at least two cameras to ensure you have front and rear coverage. It will cost a couple hundred dollars, but that money will be well spent if you ever get into an accident like this. It's hard for people to argue against camera footage........
Yikes. Question of the day: If you are the SUV driver, what do you do when an enraged woman comes out of the car you collided with, shrieking curses and demanding you open the door? Is it legally acceptable to get away from crazy first or are you supposed to just lock up and call the police while she beats on the car?
I would have called the police and moved to a different location. I don't need to deal with a self defense case on top of the accident.
If you go to You tube and increase the quality to 1440, and run in 50% speed. you may see the SUV pull up behind the stopped sedan, when the traffic in front of the sedan has begun turning left. then he pauses ( at a green light?) then SUV makes an inside move around as the sedan because they were stopped on a green?
I wonder if its possible the SUV got impatient with the sedan not going and moved to the inside of it ? anybody else able to see that?
Also I suspect they were playing Grab Ass before this intersection. and perhaps the sedan was trying to " fuck with the SUV by stopping"
I drive a Giant Bus 1000 miles a week ( 20 miles each shuttle trip) back and forth to the same destination every hour. Imagine the fuckery I see at rush hour on Hwy's 494 35W , 169, Hwy 13 by an international airport.
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If you go to You tube and increase the quality to 1440, and run in 50% speed. you may see the SUV pull up behind the stopped sedan, when the traffic in front of the sedan has begun turning left. then he pauses ( at a green light?) then SUV makes an inside move around as the sedan because they were stopped on a green?
I wonder if its possible the SUV got impatient with the sedan not going and moved to the inside of it ? anybody else able to see that?
Also I suspect they were playing Grab Ass before this intersection. and perhaps the sedan was trying to " fuck with the SUV by stopping"
I drive a Giant Bus 1000 miles a week ( 20 miles each shuttle trip) back and forth to the same destination every hour. Imagine the fuckery I see at rush hour on Hwy's 494 35W , 169, Hwy 13 by an international airport.

I could see that. There isn't enough traffic ahead of the incident to get an idea of where a car should be when turning from the proper lane, but it does look like the SUV undercut the turn.
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