Rural internet


Getting comfortable
Sep 14, 2022
I picked up a new client today where only radio and crummy satellite was available previously. They just had starlink installed. As someone who’s been on their waiting list for a couple years before a fiber company buried trunk through my property I was surprised to hear for the second time in a few months that if you order the RV package you can get it in 2 weeks! It’s not perfect by any means but at 250 download and from the first client who’s network I manage, it’s a hell of a lot better than the dsl or Hughes net before.

Both said order RV or wait indefinitely. Any of you guys had it for a duration?
I've done extensive testing with Starlink, and currently have multiple nodes across the world. I was fortunate enough to have early access to the technology and it's been exciting to watch evolve. It's been very reliable and when you consider the price/bandwidth ratio it's pretty hard to beat if you're unable or unwilling to get other types of service. Round trip delays are much less than what you would see with geo satellites.

With that said, you may want to read up on the differences between the RV and Residential service. Priority tends to go in this order: business, residential, and RV comes in last. They have also imposed a new policy to allow throttling on Residential services beyond specific data caps. Honestly, this isn't surprising as the service became more popular it was inevitable. The waitlist for Residential is an attempt to control density (service performance) in geographic locations. If there is a long waitlist for Residential in your area you may likely see slower speeds by having RV service. Also, you're paying more for RV for the same equipment and service but less guarantees, other than you can pause any time.

It used to be difficult to relocate a starlink system because they were tied to a specific node, now things have evolved and it's much easier to move the system geographically if needed - there is no advantage with the RV system here.

Lastly, if you need a public static IPV4 address you will want to look elsewhere - currently starlink utilizes CGNAT. I've heard they are finally offering public static IP's for Business but I have not confirmed this yet.
I know people who've gotten space karen internet within a couple weeks to couple months of ordering (non-rv and rv). Seems to depend on location and speeds from incumbent providers.

One other difference with the RV version is you can suspend service , if say you only want it 3 months of the year.
I have Comcast installing cables for long term usage, but they’ve given me an estimated 90 days for construction and they still haven’t sent the invoice to start that clock. I’m moving in 2 weeks and I work from home.
I need non-capped (or at least 300gb per month) month to month reliable internet for 3-6 months. None of the 4/5g lte home is showing from any of the major providers, and the satellite services all have like 50gb data caps and 2-3 year service contracts.
I found services like trifecta and unlimitedville and read some of the posts on here. Are those legit? I get cell service there. But I’m wary of paying $400 up front for something that might not work. Are there any other xvideos options? Any advice? I’m on the Delmarva peninsula in md on 12 acres. My driveway is .6 miles long. I’m getting comcast cables installed for $16k but I’ve been waiting for months and still don’t have a contract in place.
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Sure looks like TMHI covers most of that area. Of course I don't know exactly where you are to check...
I have Comcast installing cables for long term usage, but they’ve given me an estimated 90 days for construction and they still haven’t sent the invoice to start that clock. I’m moving in 2 weeks and I work from home.
I need non-capped (or at least 300gb per month) month to month reliable internet for 3-6 months. None of the 4/5g lte home is showing from any of the major providers, and the satellite services all have like 50gb data caps and 2-3 year service contracts.
I found services like trifecta and unlimitedville and read some of the posts on here. Are those legit? I get cell service there. But I’m wary of paying $400 up front for something that might not work. Are there any other options? Any advice? I’m on the Delmarva peninsula in md on 12 acres. My driveway is .6 miles long. I’m getting comcast cables installed for $16k but I’ve been waiting for months and still don’t have a contract in place.
see what shows for your address.
@ekasboyan You might look into fixed wireless or wisp. A quick search shows Delmarva Wireless Internet Providers: Welcome! might be able. Unfortunately, there is not much info at that address just a request form. What is a WISP? - Wireless Internet Service Providers Association gives you an idea what a wisp is. I have had mixed results with them.

Also on youtube, look for rv internet and you will get a lot of insight. A router like mofi uses a sim card and picks up a signal much better than your cell phone can. My provider had used a cradlepoint router and after a lightning strike, i think he went to a mikrotik. I am about 9 miles from the tower and it uses t-mobile. I cannot pick up t-mobile with a cellphone so the router is better at reception.