RV Burglary - Rant and A Few Questions

Charles Bronson comes to mind.
I talked to HCSO about having them request the video. They said I should call them early in the morning and they will send an officer to meet me there to pick up the video. Now I know that is not going to work as they have not even looked for anything.

You've nothing to lose by meeting LE. They may try and recover it for you and it puts the company on the spot to assist. There maybe a lawsuit there. Whilst they have denied liability for the theft, they haven't and probably can't deny liability for providing reasonable assistance in the event of a theft to you and LE in tracking the theives down by providing video evidence and assisting LE with their investigation. Also on the denial of liability for loss, what are they advertising - is it SECURE storage? If so it might be they can't deny liability. Otherwise they're denying the very thing they're contracted to provide. Secure storage implies high secuirty, monitored CCTV, loss insurance etc. One for a lawyer but in the UK at least (and probably the US as US was originally based on UK law in many areas, there's such a thing as Unfair Contract terms). Depends on what they offered as to what they can exclude. Sometimes have to take a different angle.

I'd start by meeting LE though. Nothing to lose.
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Sometimes, the purpose of a lawsuit is to prompt them into action. If you do not use that stick they will ignore and then the video will scroll off the tape. Time is important. Imagine if all four of the units hit were to file individual lawsuits? Outgoing guys might still not care but the incoming will. Does Lubbock have a local news "problem solver"? Once it is on the evening news, the exposure alone generally gets action!
Does Lubbock have a local news "problem solver"?
Don't know about Lubbock, nor would I care.

Not going down that route. Not worth the time or money. It will not get my stuff back. That stuff is gone.

Not going to talk about the video any longer.

Still would really like to hear about cam and alarm options that folks have used.